Banking and Finance

¿Cuáles son las principales dificultades en el proceso de onboarding y captación de clientes para los bancos?

Retrocedamos un poco en el tiempo. A principios de los años 90 para abrir una cuenta los clientes tenían que acudir a una sucursal bancaria, llenar manualmente los documentos, firmarlos y ocasionalmente era necesaria una…

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It’s time for Banks to raise the bar with ‘Analytics for ME’

Introducing Analytics in banking has changed the entire perception of Banks. They are no longer just about opening a savings account or taking a loan; it has become more of a personalized experience for customers.…

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These 10 Benefits of Microservices Are the Reason Why Bankers Are on Cloud Nine!

The fundamental aspect of every banking advancement or innovation is the extent their implementations can cater to the needs of the customers. At the end of the day, a bank is as good as its…

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¿Están las instituciones financieras retrasando el desarrollo de la banca abierta y perdiendo así la oportunidad de proporcionar asesoramiento financiero de última generación?

Ha salido a la luz que las principales entidades crediticias del Reino Unido han incumplido los plazos en torno a las normas de la banca abierta (open banking). ¿Acaso las instituciones financieras están retrasando el…

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5 Key Fixes for Neobanks to Reign the Banking World

The progression of the financial industry increased 2 times with the introduction of neobanks. Neobanks are instant banks as they work in simple, fast, and hassle-free ways. This is a dream come true innovation, especially…

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Digital Transformation in Banking: The Secret Behind All Successful Banks’ Digital Journey!

According to a study by Cornerstone Advisors in 2019, 80% of bankers and stakeholders believe that digital transformation is the capacity to leverage digital aspects of most banking areas efficiently. From functional operations to non-functional…

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AI-driven AMS- Time to turn over a new leaf for Challenger Banks

Up until 2008, the “Big Four” banks (Barclays, HSBC, Lloyds Banking Group, and NatWest Group) were the major financial organisations without any heavy competitors. However, the 2008 financial crisis gave birth to what we may…

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Reduce time-to-market by up to 50% with Cognitive Managed Services

In this dynamic world, the only constant is evolution and banks are no stranger to this concept. For example, remember the time when we had to juggle between counters to clarify our queries? And now,…

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AI-based Service Ticket Analytics: Bid Adieu to Manual IT Bank Operations!

Over the years, banks have faced/are facing some major roadblocks like security threats, lack of customer intelligence, lack of technical expertise, etc. On top of it, the increased customer demand for a better  customer experience and…

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DevSecOps – The Beacon to Optimize Banking Security

The banking industry’s digital transformation is much-awaited progress which opened opportunities for many fintechs and banking organisations to come up with innovative ideas to meet generation Z’s expectations. With a plethora of offerings and continuous…

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AI-Based Testing: Is This the Silver Lining for Your Cloud-Banking?

Who knew that digital banking which was once considered almost an impossible innovation would become a differentiator between ordinary financial firms and an extraordinary one? Yes, digitalization in banking has saved its spot by impressing…

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Judo Bank: The Success Story of a Neobank

A majority of Australian economy depends on the SMEs with employment size ranging from 0 to less than 200. The statistics from a report in 2019, states that Australian businesses comprise 97.7% of small businesses…

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