
Transforming the World of Software Testing; Aspire recognized at The European Software Testing Awards 2020

As customers, we are dependent on our devices both on the personal and professional side. A slowdown or sudden app crashes can reverse the trajectory towards bad experiences despite consistent upsides in the entire customer…

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Top Software Testing Trends in 2021 You Should Definitely Focus On

It is needless to say that most of our business plans were highly impacted by COVID and many organizations are still facing the adverse effects of the pandemic. Irrespective of the field or industry, many…

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How to make the Shift beyond Protocol-based Performance Testing

Imagine this: You are getting ready for the launch of your favorite brand of mobile phones and when pre-orders begin, like many others, you are frantically trying to choose the right model and make a…

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10 Elements that can make Performance Testing a Winner

In today’s internet generation every action has an almost instant approach from instant messaging to video calls, a click of a few buttons for the news or a new pair of shoes. With rocket speed…

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Thinking of Migrating to Cloud? Adopt the Right Testing Strategy for Faster Roll Out!

Technology is advancing at an overwhelming speed and each year it just gets better than ever. Your customers are often looking forward to devices, services, or responses that are spontaneous and affordable. To fulfill their…

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Is Your Testing Strategy Using The Right Metrics To Improve Productivity?

“Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment to excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort.” – Paul J.Meyer The best way to determine productivity is to measure the key metrics and factors related…

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Robotic Arm 2.0 : The Most Innovative Thing Happening in POS Testing

Even though millennials find online shopping much faster and easier, there are many customers who prefer brick and mortar stores where they can physically touch and feel the product before buying it. A recent report…

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Mobile Commerce Testing: What No One is Talking About

The number of mobile applications downloaded every day mostly depends on the feedback or review provided by the existing users of that application. This is completely based on how well the application performs which clearly…

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A Quintessential Approach to Achieve QA Maturity

Software testing companies are pushed to the extent to devise new methods and processes to produce better software applications in the market. But why do the existing or conventional QA methods fail? The reason is…

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Best Practices to Test Your Mobile App Efficiently

Often, organizations fail to give attention to mobile apps unlike desktop apps and web apps. Despite most of their customers being smartphone users who prefer using mobile applications frequently, many IT companies fail to focus…

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6 Value-Adds You Need for a Robust Test Automation Solution

While there is increased adoption of automation, functional testing remains important. It is clear that software testing is all about discovering information related to quality so that the stakeholders can make strategic information-driven decisions. Be…

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Incremental Test Automation: The Silver Bullet in Test Automation

Take an incremental test automation approach for business optimization  The rapid shift to automated testing and QA processes is to improve efficiency. And, we cannot underestimate the urgency to improve flexibility in product development so…

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