Test automation strategy

Is Your Testing Strategy Using The Right Metrics To Improve Productivity?

“Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment to excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort.” – Paul J.Meyer The best way to determine productivity is to measure the key metrics and factors related…

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A Quintessential Approach to Achieve QA Maturity

Software testing companies are pushed to the extent to devise new methods and processes to produce better software applications in the market. But why do the existing or conventional QA methods fail? The reason is…

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Best Practices to Test Your Mobile App Efficiently

Often, organizations fail to give attention to mobile apps unlike desktop apps and web apps. Despite most of their customers being smartphone users who prefer using mobile applications frequently, many IT companies fail to focus…

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Reasons how Small Banks can Implement Test Automation on a Shoe-String Budget

Why test automation is a moment of truth for small and medium-sized banks  Small and medium-sized banks feel the pressure of digital banking when they miscalculate where to begin their transformation journeys and where to…

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