An application or a website is considered a success, not when it has the most amazing product or the most advanced technology, but when it makes the users enjoy using it. A survey by WebAIM shows that nearly 96% of Website homepages do not meet the web accessibility criteria in 2024. The majority of organizations are failing to create a website or an application that reaches as many people as possible and does not exclude any potential customers. This is where user-centric accessibility testing can come in handy.   

According to a survey by level access called 2021 state of digital accessibility “38.6% of employees reported that their product’s level of accessibility was called out as a reason for purchase by customers.” therefore it is impertinent that organizations start user-accessibility testing their websites and applications.  In this blog we will discuss accessibility testing, its importance and how to do it.  

What are accessibility testing standards?  

Accessibility testing is a process that enhances digital experiences in order to make them usable for a wide range of users with impairments and disabilities. The range of disabilities can range from vision impairments, hearing loss, motor disabilities to cognitive conditions. The result is intended to be an inclusive website experience with appropriate implemented UX principles that addresses the needs of diverse audiences. 

That is why accessibility standards are implemented. Accessibility standards are a set of guidelines and requirements that ensure digital products and services are usable by people with disabilities. These standards provide a framework for developers, designers, and content creators to create accessible experiences that cater to a diverse range of users. Some of the key accessibility standards include: 

  • Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG): Developed by the Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI), WCAG provides a comprehensive set of guidelines for making web content accessible. It covers various aspects, such as perceivable information, operable user interface, understandable content, and robust content. 
  • Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA): While primarily focused on physical accessibility, the ADA also has implications for digital accessibility, especially for government entities and businesses that serve the public. It requires these organizations to ensure their websites and mobile apps are accessible to people with disabilities 

How to implement a User-Centric Accessibility Testing Process? 

Implementing a robust user-centered accessibility testing process involves several parts. Here are the several steps explained in a comprehensive manner: 

Step 1: Planning and Preparation 

  • Identify assets and elements: Determine which digital assets (websites, apps, videos, etc.) and their components (navigation, forms, etc.) need testing. 
  • Define standards: Use frameworks like WCAG and legal requirements to establish your accessibility standards. 
  • Train your team: Educate everyone involved in creating assets about accessibility best practices 

Step 2: Conducting Accessibility Evaluations 

  • Implement accessibility throughout development: Integrate accessibility into design and development processes. 
  • Automate testing: Use tools like WAVE, Axe, etc. to periodically run automated accessibility tests. 
  • Prioritize manual testing: Focus on areas that require human review, such as screen reader testing and quality-checking closed captions. 

Step 3: Identifying and Addressing Accessibility Issues 

  • Build a culture of accessibility: Promote accessibility awareness and make it a company-wide priority. 
  • Prioritize accessibility defects: Evaluate the severity and impact of identified accessibility issues to determine which ones to address first. 
  • Implement effective remediation strategies: Develop and implement solutions to fix the identified accessibility problems. 
  • Document the testing process and findings: Maintain a record of the testing process, including the identified issues, remediation strategies, and any remaining challenges. This documentation can be valuable for future testing efforts and for demonstrating compliance with accessibility standards. 

Some Use Cases for Accessibility testing 

There are various elements of a website that need to be checked to implement user centric accessibility effectively. Here are some of the elements that needs to be carefully checked for a user-friendly and inclusive website: 

Semantic HTML Usage 

  • Employ appropriate HTML elements: Use semantic HTML elements (e.g., <header>, <nav>, <main>, <footer>) to accurately convey the structure and purpose of your web content. 
  • Leverage ARIA landmarks: Implement ARIA (Accessible Rich Internet Applications) landmarks to provide additional context and information for assistive technologies. 

Keyboard Accessibility 

  • Enable full keyboard navigation: Ensure that all interactive elements (links, buttons, form fields) can be accessed and operated using only the keyboard. 
  • Test keyboard focus: Verify that keyboard focus is clearly indicated and that users can navigate between elements efficiently. 

Screen Reader Compatibility 

  • Utilize screen readers: Test your website with various screen readers to assess how content is announced and navigated. 
  • Provide descriptive labels: Ensure that all interactive elements (links, buttons, form fields) have clear and concise labels that accurately convey their purpose. 

Color Contrast and Visual Design 

  • Adhere to color contrast standards: Use a color contrast checker to verify that text and background colors meet the WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) standards for readability. 
  • Consider color blindness: Test your website with color blindness simulation tools to ensure it is accessible to users with color vision deficiencies. 

Form Accessibility 

  • Label all form elements: Provide clear and descriptive labels for all form fields to assist users in understanding their purpose and input requirements. 
  • Validate user input: Implement appropriate form validation to ensure that users enter data in the correct format and provide feedback on errors. 
  • Allow for error correction: Enable users to easily correct errors without losing their input 

Accessibility testing isn’t just a legal necessity; it’s a strategic business decision. Beyond avoiding penalties, inclusive experiences can significantly boost your bottom line. As the demand for accessibility grows, so does the potential for increased revenue and user satisfaction. 

Apart from the core values of accessibility testing discussed above, there are several other methods of accessibility testing such as mobile accessibility testing, accessibility testing for emerging technologies, accessibility testing in SEO and digital marketing, and much more that needs to be prioritized. Ensuring that accessibility is an ongoing process by regularly reviewing and updating your testing practices to stay aligned with evolving standards and technologies is impertinent when it comes to continuity of accessibility. By embracing accessibility, organizations can create a more inclusive and equitable digital world for all.