Cyber Security

Cybersecurity Regulations: Forewarned is forearmed

Cybercrime is the greatest threat to every company in the world -Ginni Rometty, the former Chairman, President and CEO of IBM Today, security regulations are essential for protecting both individuals and businesses from a variety…

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IoT vulnerabilities: Smart devices but dumb security?

Chances are that you have been bombarded with the term “IoT (The Internet of Things)” for a numerous number of times if you have been surfing around the Internet or even watching videos on YouTube.…

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It’s a cyberwar, are you protected enough?

Last month, when Australia’s largest private insurance service provider Medibank faced a cyber breach it exposed the personal and health claims data of the company’s 3.9 million customers., This caused a major shock wave and…

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AI/ML: Smart locks of the cybersecurity vault

$3.86 million and more than six months’ worth of work – that’s the cost of a standard data breach, shows a report by Norton. Add to it the damage to reputation, business risk, and innumerable…

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Oops…. Slipped through the cloud?

Cloud – Cybercriminal’s latest turf The remote working scenario is one of the biggest contributors to the meteoric rise in cloud computing. In 2021, the global cloud services market was recorded at US$ 387.15 bn,…

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RPA in cybersecurity the need of the pandemic hour

Cybercrime has shot up about 600% due to the pandemic, according to research by top Cybersecurity firms. As stated in World Economic Forum Global Risks Report 2020, cybercrime will likely cost the world $11.4 million…

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