User Experience

Top 9 necessary optimizations for your Ecommerce UX Audit – Part 2

We have seen in our previous blog, Top 9 necessary optimizations for your Ecommerce UX Audit – Part 1, what charms a user and what puts them off when they open an ecommerce website. Having…

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Top 9 necessary optimizations for your Ecommerce UX Audit – Part 1

User Experience has the ability to make or break any website, especially an ecommerce one. For any ecommerce business, UI/UX is where the customer conversation starts and ends. Research indicates that increasing competition and multiple…

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PRIOS – Your Customer’s Ultimate Shopping Assistant for Phygital Delight

Having an assistant is always a boon when it comes to getting a job done, be it in any field of work. And, shopping would top that list in a world of consumerism that’s taking…

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2018 is raising the Game for Digital Commerce through Futuristic UX

The year 2017 has seen the rise of complete Digital Transformations and the purveyor of Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, and Voice User Interfaces (VUIs) in its development stage over the internet with complex…

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Behind the New Era of Experiential Retail: 5 Key Technologies to Watch Out For in 2018

Shopping is not merely spending money on things at a store anymore, it’s an experience. Customers now don’t just want to shop; they want to live the experience. Retailers have taken the technological advances and…

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Top UX Priority Goals for Retailers Today

By 2020, customer experience is predicted to overtake price and product as the key brand differentiator. And to offer high customer experience, user experience is essential in helping retailers craft the best possible experience of…

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What can Insurance CIOs learn from UBER?

Uber thought long and hard about the one actor it could reimagine to deliver the customer a simple, comfortable ride: the licensed taxi driver. Uber didn’t disrupt the product – i.e. the car. Uber simply reimagined the driver experience…

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What are Insurance customers looking for?

2015 brought alarming news for the insurance industry with record-breaking drops in customer experience satisfaction. In an increasingly commoditized market, insurance companies need to fast realize that customer experience is one of the most important…

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From Analogue to Digital: Constant Experiences for better Customer Satisfaction

Let me quickly define Analogue in the context it is written. I define it as the well-oiled system already in place that is currently engaging customers. It could be your help desk services, your in-store…

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CX-Disgust to Delight through Digitization

Wikipedia defines Customer Experience (CX) as the product of interaction between an organization and a customer over the duration of their relationship that includes a customer’s attraction, awareness, discovery, cultivation, advocacy and purchase and use of a…

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