
CloudOps – A new way of Cloud Management

The question is – What can enterprises do to get more value from their cloud investments? The answer to this question requires businesses to completely rethink their operating models and talent mix, and adopt new…

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The Future of Business Intelligence- Augmented or Personalized?

With an annual growth rate of 12%, business intelligence is one of the fastest growing technologies in the world today. The global BI market is projected to hit $41 billion by 2026. The key drivers…

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Data Migration in the BFS Sector

Since the advent of the internet and the subsequent rise of the dot-com boom to the present prominence of Artificial Intelligence, data has been the crucial tool powering and driving the business value and success…

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AI-powered Customer Loyalty Programs- The Santa hats every business can wear

In these times of Covid-induced restrictions, changing customer habits are creating tough competition in the retail industry. To be a cut above the rest, enterprises must leverage digital technologies like artificial intelligence, machine and deep…

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How Augmented Reality delivers the ultimate fairytale customer experience

In the time and age where 86% of buyers are willing to pay more for a great customer experience, there is no doubt in the minds of businesses how important it is to deliver an…

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The Road to MLOps and why organizations should look forward to adopting it

Machine Learning (ML) has transitioned from a research novelty from its beginnings in 1952 to an applied business solution with wide interest and enthusiasm from industry and academia alike in its implementation and adoption. As…

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Artificial Intelligence: The gun power to fuel self-service

An increasing number of tech-savvy customers led by millennials prefer the do-it-yourself model be it business, shopping or banking. Recent research suggests that two-thirds of customers choose self-service over talking to a customer service personnel.…

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Big Data Analytics and its Impact on the Insurance Industry

Technology has long since become an integral part and parcel of how organizations function and conduct their business. As companies grow and increase the number of their policyholders, the data residing in their databases also…

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Data Governance is being crushed by excessive bureaucracy

Importance of Data Governance Data is probably an organization’s most valuable asset. Data governance helps make data useful, accessible, and secure. Effective data governance improves data analytics, which improves decision making and operational support. It…

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Accelerating analytics to aid with COVID-19 navigation

In the post-COVID-19 era, your analytics programme may encounter a significant issue: extremely limited data. Analyse this. Customer behaviour was substantially different during the shutdown than it was before 2020. Is it feasible to predict…

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Why Are End-to-End Ecosystem Integration Necessary for Effective Data Fabrics?

At present, data has become a secret weapon to provide business value. All the growing businesses look forward to adopting data fabric architecture. Data Fabric help organizations in combining together data from internal as well…

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Insights-driven Insurance

At present, businesses are operating in a highly competitive environment and digital interaction is becoming a norm across the world. Several new ways have been developed to share information and communicate, which has led to…

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