Data Analytics

The Financial Evolution: How Big Data Analytics in Financial Services is Reshaping Finance

In an era defined by data, it has become the most valuable resource across multiple industries. The finance industry stands at the front line of a transformative revolution driven by the imposed force of big…

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Leveraging the Power of Data Lake Analysis for the Insurance Industry

The global insurance industry is growing at a compound rate of around nine percent yearly and is estimated to reach a size of 8.4 trillion dollars by 2026. The industry handles huge quantities of data,…

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Data governance: Being secure while generating business value

Data has evolved from need to necessity with the ever-evolving world and its technological advancements. With the explosion of captured consumer data comes the need for data governance and data privacy. According to a report by…

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Harnessing The Power of Data Lakes in Retail for Actionable Customer Insights and Personalization

The storage methods for data have evolved through data streams, data ponds, data warehouses and such. Of all the methods used for making sense of data in today’s data-driven world, a data lake is the…

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Unpacking the top big data analytics trends in 2023 and beyond

Today, we collect, process and store an incalculable amount of data every day. Myriads of data from myriads of devices, but the question is “are we putting them to good use? Do we store and…

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How to enable good data governance in a big data world

Gartner says that data and analytics budgets continue to see large increases and a significant portion of them are spent on data governance policies. According to Cisco, nearly 5 quintillion bytes of data is produced…

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Why CFOs must perfect the art of leading data analytics-powered transformation

With digital transformation and emerging trends in the market, a change in managing finance and accounting activities is imperative to meet the increased expectations across the board. And CFOs are in the perfect position to…

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Data Governance is being crushed by excessive bureaucracy

Importance of Data Governance Data is probably an organization’s most valuable asset. Data governance helps make data useful, accessible, and secure. Effective data governance improves data analytics, which improves decision making and operational support. It…

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Driving Retail Decisions With Data Analytics

Driving Retail Decisions With Data – More Than Ever Before Everyone knows that Usain Bolt leveraged data analytics to set the world famous 9.58 second Olympic record, but do you know that you can also…

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Have you mastered the Customer Interaction Lifecycle?

“In God we trust, all others bring data”                                                      …

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Big Data Myth: Big Data is for Big Companies

Big data’s ‘big’ is misleading. Just like being a big man doesn’t always mean you’re a wrestler, same way big data is more about the wide variety of data more than the volume. So, even…

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Why is CONSUMER Analytics not working for you? [Podcast]

We have two speakers, Jayakanthan Chidambaram, Practice Head for Analytics and Adarsh Nellika, Principal Solution Consultant – Analytics Practice discussing at length about Consumer life cycle analytics Challenges in implementing a consumer analytics solution and…

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