Test Automation

The Big Blue Screened Butterfly Effect of one Untested Software Update: Crowd-’Striked’

On July 19th 2024, an estimated 8.5 million computers around the world used by large enterprises showed the Blue Screen of Death (BSOD). Airports, Hospitals, Banks, Government services, and other institutions came to a grinding halt.…

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Aspire at NSTC 2024 | Booth #7: Where Intelligent Software Testing Takes Flight

There is no better way to start the warm and pleasant weather in the UK than to learn about the latest technological advancements and discoveries in software testing. The best possible way to do that…

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Software Testing Trends of 2024 that you should be aware of

Introduction   In the digital world we live in, software development can be considered the backbone of technological innovation that drives progress across industries and plays a major role in shaping the world. In software development,…

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What transformative role AI plays in software testing and debugging?

Efficiency, reliability and speed of testing and debugging processes can significantly influence software development in terms of time-to-market, cost and product success. While traditional methods have their purpose, they struggle to keep pace with the…

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Five facts about AI-powered software testing

AI-driven testing has emerged as a ground breaking approach in software development, offering efficiency, accuracy, and scalability. However, as organizations consider integrating AI into their testing strategies, it’s essential to demystify the technology and understand…

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Accelerating software quality maturity: The AI roadmap and where to start

The pressure to release high-quality software faster has never been greater. As organizations strive to meet the increasing demands of consumers, the need for AI-based software testing becomes paramount. The traditional manual QA processes are…

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Test Automation with Artificial Intelligence: The Next Big Thing in Software Testing

Artificial intelligence (AI) sets new benchmarks, transforms industries, and redefines processes. One of the areas witnessing a revolutionary change is software testing, particularly through the integration of AI in test automation. This blog explores the…

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AI in Software Testing: What are the benefits and how to avoid pitfalls?

AI in software testing uses machine learning and natural language processing (NLP) to automate and improve testing. It provides coverage from automated test case generation to smart defect analysis. AI tool procedures include; learning from…

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Agile Harmony: Bridging the Gap Between Development and Testing Teams

As a solution to the limitations of traditional, linear approaches to software development, Agile methodologies emphasize iterative development, where requirements and solutions evolve through the collaboration of self-organizing cross-functional teams. This dynamic approach not only…

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Unveiling the Future: AI Automation in Testing

Artificial Intelligence (AI) stands at the forefront of innovation in a world marked by relentless technological advancement. One area that is experiencing significant transformation through AI is software testing. Traditional software testing methods, while effective,…

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Unpacking the Business Benefits of Next-Gen Testing Services with AI

Software testing has always been critical in ensuring applications’ reliability, functionality, and performance; never more so than now, as companies strive to deliver high-quality products to the market at an increasingly rapid pace. Traditional testing…

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The Role of AI in Redefining Testing Service Strategies

Testing services are critical to ensuring the quality, efficiency, and effectiveness of services businesses offer across various industries. And a well-defined testing strategy helps identify potential issues, improve customer experiences, and drive business success. With…

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