testing strategies

The Big Blue Screened Butterfly Effect of one Untested Software Update: Crowd-’Striked’

On July 19th 2024, an estimated 8.5 million computers around the world used by large enterprises showed the Blue Screen of Death (BSOD). Airports, Hospitals, Banks, Government services, and other institutions came to a grinding halt.…

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Testing Leadership Conclave – QA Leaders Discuss their Software Testing Success Stories

Organized by Aspire Systems, delivered by thought leaders around the globe, and headed by Srini Sankar, Practice Manager – Digital Assurance, this Testing Leadership Conclave (TLC) attempts to provide a platform for leaders in the…

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Testing Next-Gen Financial Applications – Chatbots

The financial services industry has always been at the fore-front to adapt to the changing technology trends, if history is anything to go by. ATMs, core banking services, internet banking etc. are a testimony to…

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