QA Strategy

Your QA can now be quantified: A practical guide on how to measure QA and its business impacts

“The bitterness of poor quality remains long after the sweetness of low price is forgotten”  Benjamin Franklin This quote makes us ponder about the profound interconnectedness between quality, time, and human experience. It suggests that…

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How Important Is a Framework for Test Automation?

Why Is Test Automation Framework Important?   Test automation is a critical element of the agile SDLC, and the test automation framework helps accelerate the development of new versions at a more rapid pace. The…

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5 Reasons Why You Need a Sound Testing Approach to Reduce Efforts and Save Costs

Any organization aims to deliver the best possible products while optimizing cost and productivity for higher ROI. Since the entry of agile development methodologies into software testing, the role of the QA teams has changed…

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