Software testing is a critical part of any product development process. It ensures that a product meets its desired functionality and performance goals while also ensuring that it is safe and secure. However, what is…
As technology advances, testing and optimizing products have become increasingly important. Therefore, businesses must ensure that they select the most appropriate testing solution for their needs. This blog provides an overview of the factors you…
On the surface, there are few differences in terms of skills required to do product testing compared to application testing, except perhaps extra diligence and an eye for detail. However, some of the differences between…
Since 2020, many software testers have gone from struggling to keep pace with remote work conditions to adopting an agile approach – fueled by AI, ML, and data analytics. In 2021, digital transformation initiatives have…
In the software and hi-tech segments, technology is constantly evolving, and in recent times, the increase in application usage has put its foot on the accelerator. It has caused many small-sized, medium, and large enterprises…
As customers, we are dependent on our devices both on the personal and professional side. A slowdown or sudden app crashes can reverse the trajectory towards bad experiences despite consistent upsides in the entire customer…
Does it seem like only a few decades back we heard about Artificial Intelligence and got familiar with the notion in Sci-fi movies? Although the concept of AI is in existence for decades, its growth…
In the past, we were testing our application manually but as the customer saw more value in test automation it was decided to go ahead and explore the possibilities of it. As a service provider, we…
As businesses are embedded in the latest technologies because of which they strongly embrace digital transformation, the only way to stand out in the industry, is by delivering top notch quality products/software services to customers.…
What is an API? API stands for Application Programming Interface. API is an interface that is used by the programmers to make communication from your system’s application to other applications/third-party servers. The developers connect to…