Agile Software Automation Testing

Benefits of Agile Automation Testing

Developing and delivering a popular software that will make people’s lives easier is not the challenge in today’s digitized world; there are many who can do that. What makes an app or a software service…

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Redefine Your Testing Practices with Hyper-Testing

Hyper-Testing – Your One-Stop Quality Engineering Hub Winning and losing the business depends on the quality and time taken to deliver what the customer needs.  It is mandatory to make sure that the complications during…

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What are the Best Practices for DevOps Testing Strategy?

A successful DevOps testing strategy begins with an agile best practice of Continuous Integration (CI), where developers check their code in a shared repository throughout the day. Each check-in is verified by an automated build,…

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Product Testing Vs Application Testing

On the surface, there are few differences in terms of skills required to do product testing compared to application testing, except perhaps extra diligence and an eye for detail. However, some of the differences between…

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Can continuous testing accelerate your Agile and DevOps journey?

The implementation and success of digital solutions have become critical to enterprises’ business growth. On the journey towards Agile and DevOps success, enterprises must ensure that their IT processes adapt quickly and effectively, including future-proofing…

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Aspire’s Framework for Test Automation 2.0

Test automation frameworks have been in existence since the early 90’s. They have undergone significant changes over the years, mainly to address issues like code maintenance & scalability. From Data & Keyword Driven frameworks to…

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Behaviour Driven Testing – Key Takeaways

Introduction – Behaviour Driven Testing As a company with a dedicated Testing unit, our specialization lies in Test Automation and we use Behaviour Driven Testing (BDT) heavily in Test Automation projects for both web and mobile-based…

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Continuous Integration and its influence in TDD, BDT and Exploratory Testing

Introduction: Faster, better, and cheaper is the expected result of any given hour in any given business case.  Now that many organizations have adopted continuous integration in practice, it is now for testers to get aligned to…

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Transitioning from Waterfall to Agile Testing – ‘Challenges & Approach’

More and more software projects in the mainstream are embracing Agile, these days.  It’s important to understand how this paradigm shift impacts testing teams.  And, what are the challenges testing teams encounter and how do…

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