DevOps Test Automation

How to address performance issues through DevOps testing

DevOps testing is an invaluable tool for addressing performance issues. By utilizing automated testing and continuous integration, DevOps testing allows developers and operations teams to quickly and accurately identify and address performance issues. This article…

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Test Automation and DevOps: What You Need to Know 

Testing is vital to the software development lifecycle, and the failure to carry out testing thoroughly and efficiently can make or break the product and its delivery. Fortunately, such shortcomings can be alleviated through DevOps…

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The Keys for Successful Continuous Testing in DevOps 

As enterprises move more and more into a state of digital transformation, they are moving into cloud computing and storage and adopting a stronger DevOps testing mindset. Building resilient CI/ CD pipelines gives them a…

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Why DevOps Test Automation is a really big deal for enterprises in 2022

Enterprises that incorporate DevOps models aim to shift the paradigm from time-constrained and outdated linear practices that depend on manual testing to a more comprehensive and cyclic model that integrates development with operations. At the…

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What are the Best Practices for DevOps Testing Strategy?

A successful DevOps testing strategy begins with an agile best practice of Continuous Integration (CI), where developers check their code in a shared repository throughout the day. Each check-in is verified by an automated build,…

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6 Ways Continuous Testing in DevOps Can Prevent Disasters on Your Software Journey  

Continuous testing is an effective way to support, enhance, and hasten DevOps pipelines. It relies heavily on automation to execute part of the software delivery pipeline. However, many industry experts agree that the two terms…

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Can continuous testing accelerate your Agile and DevOps journey?

The implementation and success of digital solutions have become critical to enterprises’ business growth. On the journey towards Agile and DevOps success, enterprises must ensure that their IT processes adapt quickly and effectively, including future-proofing…

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Understanding how Testing Works in DevOps and its Challenges

In a DevOps model, the operations and development teams are not siloed. They work as a single team collaborating throughout the entire application lifecycle, from development and test to deployment to operations. Each team member…

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How DevOps breaks Silos by integrating with Quality Assurance (QA)

Break silos by integrating Continuous Testing in DevOps to improve speed and quality  The goal of any enterprise is to churn out software at a fast clip without compromises on quality. A software team has…

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Why DevOps and Test Automation are inseparable

The minute you buy a high-end phone, it probably ceases to be one of the top products in its category. Same is true for cars, bikes or any other gadgets. This is simply because engineering…

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Perks of Integrating Quality Engineering with DevOps

Need for Speed! Not everything remains constant; this includes the dynamic world of technology. Quality Assurance (QA) was an efficient approach to ensure whether a product or service meets a specific set of requirements, but…

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