
Mobile Testing

Today’s Mobile Applications deliver complex functionality on platforms having limited resources for computing. The Mobile environment comprises of plethora of devices with diverse hardware & software configurations. This diversity in Mobile computing environment presents unique…

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Bridging the Doctor – Patient Gap through Social Media

The whole world is at buzz with being connected and the world becoming small enough where a shout from one end of the earth can be heard on the other side. It’s a world where…

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Enhancing control and visibility of Mobile Devices through MDM

Companies today are implementing enterprise mobility in some form or the other, few are providing Mobile/Tablets to their salesmen so they can access CRM anytime anywhere, others are creating Tablet based BI application for their…

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100 days of Gingerbread

Its amazing to see what happens when the biggies get together, mean business and really get their act together – Google, HTC, Sony, Dell, Intel, Motorola, Qualcomm, Texas Instruments, Samsung Electronics, LG Electronics, T-Mobile, Sprint…

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Is HTML5 a game changer for Mobile Apps?

Is HTML5 a game changer for Mobile Apps? Here is my quick perspective on how HTML5 may change things in the Mobility space, last few years have been all about native apps and of late…

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Recent Developments in mHealth

MHealth is there to stay. Yes, Mobile Technology is destined to play an important role in the healthcare space. There are certain strong statistics to prove that the mobile technology can help healthcare payers and…

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Mobile in Retail – The global scenario

With more than 4 billion people equipped with Mobile phones across the globe, providing Mobility as a channel for customers has become imperative for today’s B2C companies. Smartphones have re-defined the way people used to…

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7 Must have Mhealth Apps

The beginning of a new year always inevitably leads to a lot of predictions, Predictions like the world is coming to an end this year to predictions in form of resolution, Few believable, few outrageously…

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Mobile Healthcare (m-Health) – If your end customers are doctors?

Mobile adoption is changing the way medicine is practiced today and there is a tremendous opportunity for healthcare ISVs to offer their applications in mobiles/tablets.  There are certain trends in Mobile Healthcare 1) 72 percent…

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