Sustainability has become a cornerstone issue, shaping entire industries – and IT is no exception. A recent report by Mordor Intelligence predicts the global Green IT market to reach a staggering USD 34.2 billion by 2027, reflecting a surge in environmentally conscious business practices. Businesses of all sizes recognize the dual benefit – a greener planet and a healthier bottom line – associated with adopting sustainable IT practices and how cloud services can help

The focus has shifted towards “going green in the cloud”, making it a top priority for several reasons: 

  • Environmental Impact Reduction: The IT sector is a significant contributor to global carbon emissions. A 2024 study found that information and communication technologies will use between 8% to 21% of the world’s electricity by 2030, if left unchecked. By optimizing datacenters and leveraging renewable energy sources within the cloud, businesses can significantly reduce their environmental footprint. 
  • Financial Savings: Sustainable IT practices often translate to cost savings. Optimizing resource utilization in the cloud leads to reduced energy consumption, translating to lower electricity bills. Additionally, businesses can benefit from government incentives and tax breaks for adopting eco-friendly technologies. 
  • Enhanced Brand Reputation: Consumers are increasingly environmentally conscious and seek to do business with companies that share their values. A 2022 study reveals that a whopping 83% of global consumers would switch brands based on their commitment to environmental and social responsibility. 

This growing focus on sustainability in IT begs the question: How can businesses leverage the cloud to achieve their environmental goals? To explore this topic, we spoke with Shankar Bala, Senior Vice President of Technology Consulting & Innovation at Aspire Systems. Mr Bala offers a thought-provoking perspective on the growing importance of sustainable IT and how businesses can navigate this critical transition. 

Optimizing cloud services for sustainability: Going green is now a top priority 

Shankar Bala isn’t just another voice advocating for sustainable IT in the cloud; he’s a champion for a holistic approach that maximizes the environmental benefits of cloud adoption. 

“It’s important to acknowledge the positive environmental impacts [of cloud computing]. Reduced travel due to increased collaboration, lower power consumption compared to individual data centers, and resource sharing all contribute positively to the environment,” says Bala.  

Cloud providers can achieve significantly higher levels of energy efficiency compared to on-premises datacenters. This advantage stems from two key factors: resource consolidation and economies of scale. By pooling resources across multiple clients within massive data centers, cloud providers can optimize server utilization and minimize energy waste. 

“Major cloud providers like Google, AWS, and Microsoft Azure are proactively investing in data centers powered by renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power, alongside employing non-conventional cooling methods to achieve zero net carbon emissions or carbon neutrality. Google, for instance, announced in 2018 that all their data centers are powered entirely by renewable energy,” Bala says. 

Businesses can choose to prioritize cloud providers with a demonstrably strong commitment to sustainable practices throughout the entire IT supply chain. By partnering with such environmentally conscious cloud providers, businesses can ensure they’re not simply shifting their environmental burden but truly embracing a sustainable IT future within the cloud.  

“It will require concerted and sustained efforts from both cloud providers and enterprises to mitigate the environmental impact and promote sustainability,” Bala says. “Strategies such as cloud optimization, adopting serverless architectures, innovative cooling technologies, adoption of renewable energy sources, selection of colder locations for data centers, and leveraging AI for automating data center operations will all contribute to advancing sustainability.”  

Going beyond the interview: Implementing sustainable IT practices in cloud services 

Building upon Mr. Bala’s emphasis on collaboration, here are some practical steps businesses can take to make their IT operations more sustainable within the cloud environment: 

  • Joint Cloud Optimization Efforts: Work with your chosen cloud service provider to develop a comprehensive cloud optimization plan. This plan should identify opportunities for right-sizing resources, leveraging auto-scaling capabilities based on workload fluctuations, and eliminating underutilized resources. 
  • Leverage Cloud Provider Sustainability Tools: Many leading cloud providers offer tools and resources specifically designed to help businesses optimize their cloud usage from a sustainability standpoint. Explore these tools in collaboration with your cloud provider to identify areas for improvement. 
  • Employee Awareness and Engagement: Fostering a culture of sustainability within your organization is crucial. Educate employees about the environmental impact of IT and encourage them to adopt sustainable practices in their daily work. This could involve simple measures like powering down computers during inactive periods and using energy-saving features on monitors. 
  • Lifecycle Management of IT Equipment: Implement a responsible strategy for managing the lifecycle of IT equipment. This includes practices like extending the lifespan of existing hardware through proper maintenance and exploring options for refurbishment or responsible e-waste disposal when equipment reaches the end of its useful life. 


Sustainable IT is no longer a luxury; it’s a business imperative. By leveraging the cloud’s potential, adopting the practices outlined above, and partnering with a cloud provider committed to sustainability, businesses can achieve their environmental goals while enjoying the benefits of cloud computing. Aspire Systems, with its expertise in cloud migration strategies and focus on collaborating with clients to achieve optimal solutions, can be your trusted partner on this journey towards a greener IT future. 

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