Containers provide a standard approach to the packaging of an application’s source code, libraries, configuration files, and dependencies as a single object. One single box can be used as a reference to run multiple small microservices or huge software applications. The user can also access OS-level virtualization with an operating system on the server or main machine. This functions as an isolated resources method and assures reliable deployments with no worries about the environment consistently. Moving forward you will learn why containers and DevOps go hand in hand and the benefits of this combination.  

What are containers in DevOps? 

Containers are the virtualization of an operating system. It is a tool that holds or contains the code and all other essential dependencies required to run, test, and reside an application. Containerization allows the DevOps and DevSecOps teams to develop, test, and store the apps securely in a closed environment/cloud. Keeping the applications and necessary codes in a container eases the process down and lets the developers, testers, and operational teams coordinate. Although most containers are capable of handling both smaller and larger applications, DevOps often deploys multiple containers for larger applications.  

What is containerization? 

The process of containing applications, along with its code and libraries in one environment or container, running on more than one platform to make the DevOps delivery pipeline simplified and portable is known as containerization.  

Advantages of using DevOps containers 

Containerization is a powerful and seamless way to streamline the designing, testing, and deploying applications on a singular or multiple production environments, For example, from a developer’s laptop to the cloud.  

  • Improved flexibility: Containers can deploy for a variety of different operating systems, hardware platforms, and programs.  
  • Cost savings: As mentioned earlier, containers require fewer resources and memory in comparison to a VM. Thus, containers also don’t need the more expansive needs of a VM. This helps businesses to lower their cloud computing costs.  
  • Consistent operation: No matter where the systems are deployed, they can function consistently with the aid of containers.  
  • Better rate of production: With containers, the user can deploy faster, patch, and scale applications. 
  • Less overhead: As containers do not include images from the operating systems, they require fewer system resources than traditional/conventional machine environments or virtual machine hardware.  
  • Security: As DevOps containers don’t interact with other containers, it doesn’t disturb the whole network if one container goes south. The effects of incidents like hacking, or a major crash remain quarantined in a single container.  

Uses of DevOps containerization 

The list of advantages that DevOps containerization brings to the table when it comes to DevOps is long and some of the key points are discussed as follows: 

  • Handle microservices architecture seamlessly 

Once the applications and microservices are allotted to individual container building blocks, it is easier for the user to separate, deploy, and scale.  

  • Platform as a service 

Containers can be used to build platforms to eliminate the need for manual infrastructure management as they also standardize the process of deployment and manage the applications at the same time.  

  • Batch processing 

You can also pack batch-processing jobs into containers and start jobs or scale them with better flexibility immediately to meet the requirements.  

  • DevOps continuous delivery 

You can unlock added benefits of a container similar to refactoring as they support simplified images from the same container that can create, check and deploy with DevOps continuous delivery.  


It is no more a secret that you can achieve faster DevOps delivery without compromising the quality with the use of containers. They perfectly fit the goal of DevOps and DevSecOps by providing the user a secure environment where they can develop, deploy, test, troubleshoot, and run other functional needs simultaneously. This keeps the development-delivery cycles in sync with the security-testing cycles and assists DevOps to deliver the best products at an improved speed.