Scheduling Performance Tests in CI Pipeline

Continuous Integration – CI Process In recent times, during application development there are frequent code check-in, build releases, and integration happening every day. Needless to say that it becomes necessary to perform unit tests and…

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Aspire’s Mobile CoE and it’s focus on Xamarin

We live in a world where more than 80% of connected devices sold are smartphones and tablets.Unfortunately the market is heavily fragmented with 3 major Platform providers, namely iOS, Android and Windows. This poses a…

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Building Effective Rest APIs

Most of the applications are architected around RestAPIs these days, be it for layering or for integration. All leading web technologies enable building RestAPIs with ease. However, there are few design considerations that are neglected.…

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MySQL to MongoDB Migration in Drupal

MySQL is one of the widely used open source relational databases. In recent times, there has been a lot of interest on the NoSQL databases that can handle Big Data. Among NoSQL databases, MongoDB (from…

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The Paraphernalia of Continuous Delivery

Continuous Delivery/Deployment has become indispensable for companies that plan to introduce new features to their customers quickly and regularly. The Continuous Delivery model of software development helps companies do smaller but frequent code pushes to…

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Cryptocurrency: The Chaotic & Quixotic Future of Money and Payment Systems

“Money, it’s a gas Grab that cash with both hands and make a stash Money, so they say Is the root of all evil today”                    …

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Service Virtualization

Introduction In the software industry complex applications, heterogeneous systems and the cost of setting up test environments challenge an organization’s ability to conduct integration tests. The pressure of faster delivery in the agile model and…

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Big Data and Analytics: Linchpins of an Omni-Channel Strategy

One of the biggest traits of the retail industry is its ability to dynamically adapt to changes in shoppers buying behavior. Prospective buyers and customers alike have begun to shop or browse for what they…

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Learn performance from the leaders

Stack Overflow receives more than 670 million page views per month and they achieve sub-second performance for all their pages. This is truly commendable. The more admirable fact here is that they achieve this with…

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Azure Makeovers

Azure has been constantly adding more and more services horizontally. From where it started as a narrowed PAAS for simple web application, it has expanded its horizons rapidly in the areas of IAAS, Big Data,…

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How continuous development shrinks cycle time between initiation and action

Software testing is a meticulous process in impersonating the end user by trying out various input scenarios and comparing it diligently with the expected results. With careful introspection of automating a program the stakeholders are…

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SQL Azure – New Service Tiers and Performance Levels

Azure’s web and business editions are going to be sunset from September 2015. You can notice the alert message of the retirement in the portal. As an alternate, Microsoft has introduced new service tiers –…

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