Why Multi-Tenancy makes sense for BPO Applications?

Many would know that multi-tenancy is an architectural pattern where a single installation of the software can serve multiple tenants. The term multi-tenancy has been used widely in the space of SaaS and in fact…

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Cloud – “Think Out Of The Box”

This phrase is very true in the case of cloud. So long when architects design an application they always think about the resource availability in a given (hosted server or a cluster of servers) scaled…

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Do you know about Safe Harbor policy?

SaaS business model offers a fantastic platform to service the world market, irrespective of the location of the customer. Unlike the traditional model, SaaS software is delivered over an internet, which means people can access…

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7 Questions that can help you objectively decide on implementing Multi-Tenancy

In my previous blog I discussed about the business/technical aspects in single tenant and multi-tenant models. However, due to huge loads of information from various sources people are actually lost in deciding whether to go…

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Understanding the SaaS Maturity Models

There are totally 4 maturity models/levels in which you can deliver a SaaS application/product. Single Tenant In a single tenant model each of the tenants will get their own respective instances. There is absolutely no…

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Understanding the Cloud – Part 2 – Intro to PaaS

In the first part I discussed about IaaS – highlights and challenges. In this part I will try to do the same for PaaS. Platform as a Service – PaaS, offers all the benefits of…

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Understanding the Cloud – Part 1

As you may know, “Cloud” has become one of the most confusing terminology in the recent times. If you ask a team of 5 people you might end up getting 7 definitions of what they…

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Scalability : Architecting for the Cloud – A Different Ball Game

Architecting an application has always been a challenge for the very fact that any mistakes done at this level can have catastrophic effects on the whole application. Several applications/products have gone through lot of rework,…

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