In the present dynamic world there is such an exacting amount of requests from the business. Every one of these requests is not met by just COTS (Custom Off-The-Shelf Software) and enterprises do have the need to create custom advanced applications to bolster their business. In the current pattern these digital applications are turning into the foundation of the business, and subsequently, they apply multi-level weight on Enterprise IT for a quicker pivot time. In our experience on working with multiple customers in their digital journey we have noticed that ad-hoc decisions are made towards the application development and management of these applications. In the situation where the Enterprise is multi-branch (spread over various locations) these decisions are rehashed numerous instances over all the branches.

Demand-driven vs. Strategic driven decisions

These choices are generally Demand-driven versus Strategic driven decisions. Commonly the innovation stack is chosen in view of what skillsets are accessible by them instead of what is appropriate for the given application.  Likewise, there is absence of reusability and all the functionalities that are common to all the applications such as administration functionalities,  notifications, system configuration and so forth are rehashed for each application in each branch. Ideally, these functionalities should be looked at as independent microservices consumed by all these applications and not as a process of reinventing the wheel.

Let’s take a simple example of Authorization (access control).  Every Application would have its own particular usage of how users are authorized to play out specific activities in the application. Some of the applications might refer to an identity provider while some may have their own role/privilege management module to control. In the above situation, if there is a business change that requires a specific confinement to be connected over all frameworks, it will be a bad dream for IT. Envision the quantity of utilizations that must be changed to apply this change. Not only that, every application must be separately tried and confirmed. Given the earnestness of business demands, Enterprise IT is certain to bomb in this situation, as it will take ages for them to finish the business change. Consequently, in no time Enterprise IT is under a heap of applications with no standardization at all. They are never going to get time to streamline this issue as they will be busy meeting the ongoing needs of the business.

Pain points of Ad hoc approach

1) Repeated exertion and cost for every one of the applications for all the branches

2) Difficulty in bringing governance as the digital application has no shared trait

3) There is no enterprise level single view all the digital applications for CDO, CTOs to monitor the KPIS

4) Higher likelihood of disappointment as every application reinvents the wheel

Standardizing Digital Application Management

In order to provide technology leadership Enterprise IT should have a strategy in place to standardize the management of all applications. This can definitely enhance the business readiness and lessen the operational difficulties to a greater extent..

Standardizing the digital application management not only helps in the maintainability but also cuts down significant time in the development of new custom applications, as developers can concentrate only on the business functionality rather than on the management aspects of the application.

 How to Standardize?

Aspire’s Digital Applications Management Platform (DAMP) is the solution to implement Standardization.  Digital Applications Management Platform (DAMP) incorporates all the building blocks that are basic for all applications.

For example

  • Application Catalogue
  • Authentication
  • Authorization
  • Customer/partner/Branches Access Management
  • Notification
  • Business event auditing etc
  • Entity configuration Management

These can all be operated from a centralized place. Therefore, when business needs a change it becomes easier to implement the change in one central location and roll it out. All the applications will be integrated to work in sync with the platform.

Digital Applications management Platform provides a comprehensive management portal along with 30+ building blocks that can be easily integrated with your existing applications via APIs. DAMP is also cloud neutral and hence, can be deployed in the public, private or hybrid cloud. Below is the list of modules of DAMP.

Digital Application Management