Cloud-native applications have become the go-to solution as more businesses look to leverage the benefits of cloud computing to deliver scalable and agile solutions. One approach to building cloud-native applications is to use a serverless architecture, which offers several advantages, such as reduced costs, increased scalability, and improved developer productivity.

In this blog, we’ll explore the fundamental principles of serverless architecture and provide a guide on how to build cloud-native applications using this approach so you’ll have a solid understanding of how to build serverless applications that scale to meet the demands of modern businesses.

Cloud-Native Applications and Serverless Architecture

Cloud-Native Applications are built using cloud computing technologies and principles. These applications run on cloud infrastructure, such as virtual machines or containers, and they are highly scalable, resilient, and agile. Cloud-native applications are typically developed using microservices architecture, which comprises small, independent components that can be developed, deployed, and managed separately.

On the other hand, serverless architecture is a cloud computing model where the cloud provider takes responsibility for running and managing the infrastructure needed to run an application. In a serverless architecture, the developer writes code executed as a response to specific events, such as a user uploading a file or requesting data. The cloud provider then automatically provisions the necessary compute resources and runs the code in a containerized environment, such as AWS Lambda or Google Cloud Functions.

One of the main advantages of Cloud-native applications and serverless architecture is their ability to scale and adapt to changing demands. With Cloud-native applications, new services and features can be added quickly and easily without affecting the rest of the application. And with serverless architecture, the cloud provider automatically scales the infrastructure up or down to match the demand, so you only pay for what you use.

Benefits of Building Cloud-Native Applications with Serverless Architecture

Cloud-native applications are built to run on the cloud infrastructure, leveraging the benefits of cloud computing, such as scalability, availability, and cost-effectiveness. Serverless architecture is an approach to building cloud-native applications that allow developers to focus on writing code without worrying about infrastructure management. In this model, the cloud provider manages the infrastructure and allocates resources on demand, allowing the application to scale up or down automatically based on the workload. Here are some of the benefits of building cloud-native applications with serverless architecture.


With traditional architectures, developers have to provision servers and pay for those servers regardless of whether they are using them or not. In serverless architecture, developers only pay for the actual usage of the resources. It is the cloud provider who manages the infrastructure, ensuring that developers don’t need to worry about maintenance and updates, which can save a lot of time and money.


As the workload of an application increases, traditional architectures require developers to provision more servers to handle the load. This can be time-consuming and expensive. With serverless architecture, the cloud provider automatically allocates resources based on the workload. This allows applications to scale up or down quickly and efficiently, ensuring that resources are always available to handle the workload.

Faster time to market:

Serverless architecture frees developers to focus on writing code and delivering features quickly. The cloud provider handles infrastructure management, so developers don’t have to configure servers or manage databases. This can reduce the time it takes to develop and deploy applications, allowing companies to get their products to market faster and stay ahead of the competition.

Building cloud-native applications with serverless architecture offers several benefits, including cost-effectiveness, scalability, and faster time to market. With serverless architecture, developers can work on writing code and delivering features while the cloud provider manages the infrastructure. It can help companies reduce costs, improve efficiency, and deliver products to market faster.

Steps to Building Cloud-Native Applications with Serverless Architecture

Building cloud-native applications with serverless architecture is an efficient and cost-effective way to create scalable and responsive applications. Here are the steps you can follow:

Identify Business Requirements

The first step to building cloud-native applications with serverless architecture is identifying the business requirements. It includes understanding the application’s purpose, who the target users are, and what functionalities the application should provide. A clear understanding of the business requirements will help you design an application that meets the needs of the business.

Design the Application Architecture

The next step is to design the application architecture. The application architecture should maximize the benefits of serverless architecture, including scalability, cost-efficiency, and ease of maintenance. The architecture should also consider the application’s security, availability, and performance requirements.

Choose the Right Cloud Provider

Choosing the right provider is critical to building cloud-native applications with serverless architecture. The cloud provider should offer a robust serverless platform, including automatic scaling, event-driven architecture, and pay-per-use pricing features. The provider should also have a good reputation for reliability and security.

Choose the Serverless Platform

After selecting the cloud provider, choose the serverless platform. Several serverless platforms are available, including AWS Lambda, Azure Functions, and Google Cloud Functions. Each platform has its strengths and weaknesses, and the choice will depend on factors such as programming language support, integrations, and performance requirements.

Develop the Application

With the application architecture, cloud provider, and serverless platform in place, the next step is to develop the application. It includes writing the code, configuring the serverless platform, and integrating the application with other services, such as databases and APIs. It is essential to use best practices for coding and testing to ensure the application is secure, reliable, and scalable.

Test and Deploy the Application

The final step is to test and deploy the application. It includes testing the application for functionality, performance, and security. Once the application has been thoroughly tested, it can be deployed to the cloud provider’s serverless platform. The deployment process should be automated and repeatable, allowing for easy updates and scaling as the application evolves.

The above steps offer a structured approach that developers can use to create scalable and responsive applications that are cost-effective and easy to maintain.


Cloud-native applications built on serverless architecture enable rapid deployment, scalability, and cost-effectiveness while reducing operational overhead and increasing productivity. The steps outlined in this blog can help developers design, build, and deploy serverless applications quickly while ensuring optimal performance, security, and reliability. As serverless technology evolves and matures, it is expected to become an increasingly popular choice for building and running cloud-native applications. As such, developers and organizations must stay up-to-date with the latest developments to maximize the benefits of serverless architecture.