Over the past decade, many businesses have turned to social media channels like Facebook, Instagram or Twitter to create a buzz around their product. But do a stronger social presence really impacting the sales. Research indicates that buzz around a product is increasingly playing a greater role in their promotion. For companies looking to get a maximum return from their social strategies, it is advisable to develop a strategy that will encourage potential customers in engaging more and also inspire influencers for expressing enthusiasm towards their products in the different social platforms.

Some clear evidences can be taken from the following instances:

  • Online articles posted in social media have prompted consumers to look for more information and further increased purchases.
  • Consumers using search engines for initial information are also more likely to get redirected to some social pages with relevant information. Companies spending effectively on Search Engine Optimization are most likely to reap the benefits.
  • Television ads have also been known to act as a substitute for social media and not complement it. Many customers were reported to seek social influences after spotting a TV ad on some specific product.

To prompt the larger number of less active influencers a business might need a greater use of data analytics and creativity on the marketer’s part. Research says that companies that invited comments were able to generate a stronger response over companies which just allowed endorsements. Some companies even demonstrated turning negative vibes to their advantage by quick responses with a positive solution. The paths to influence customers are changing constantly. Robust social applications along with better mobile devices have brought in opportunities in large number for the businesses to capitalize in. Companies surely can’t afford to fall behind this powerful shift.

Managing your social campaigns or tracking their performance had not been so smooth for the Ektron users. It lacked the intuitive design and sometimes needed customization for integrating with the standard social platforms. This lags has been clearly addressed with the Episerver’s Social Reach Platform.

Episerver Social Reach provides business users a simple and easy option to tailor personalized content across various social channels like Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. In today’s world, businesses need to have their presence in multiple social channels to engage effectively with the audience. Unfortunately duplicating content across several platforms can yield inefficiencies.

Below three points summarizes the benefits that Episerver can bring into your platform.

Improved ROI :
The Social Reach feature in Episerver provides a single interface with seamless integration of channels. You can socialize your content for direct or schedule a sharing in one or more social channels with a few simple settings on page. The message can even be adapted for each channel providing you full control in optimizing the success of your social campaigns. In short, you bring in a lot of process efficiencies with a better transparency and control, thus improving your ROI for the content generation.

Driving traffic and increased conversion rate:
It provides a simple platform for your marketers to communicate consistently to your audiences and efficiently across the social networks. Social Reach helps in maximizing the value of multichannel marketing with its single interface to tailor personalized content and removing the barriers between site and the social networks. This in turn increases the conversion rates.

Real time tracking:
Social Reach provides useful tracking features to measure performance indicators in various social channels such as retweets, comments, likes and can even bring in advanced features from analytic tools like Google Analytic to quickly see and analyze the results and calculate ROI of the social communications.

The below images depicts the Social Reach feature in Episerver with the following user interfaces.

1. For creating a new message and triggering in different social channels like Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter etc. along with any customizations.
2. The performance overview of the different messages posted in the social channels. E.g. Likes, Comments, Retweets, Share etc.
