A DevOps approach to software engineering is centered on collaboration, communication, and consistency. These three Cs ensure that software development lifecycles are secure, efficient, and delivered – fast.

But how do DevOps teams measure their success and value in delivery? Measures of success, milestones, and benchmarks come in the form of metrics, and although every organization may focus on their own potpourri of metrics, the ultimate goal is to track performance and success.

Why measuring DevOps success matters

Metrics don’t just offer key performance insights on a team’s performance. They also give DevOps teams valuable analytics to improve future processes, and show teams where to focus on and how to become even more efficient together.

According to a Forbes article, an overwhelming number of companies don’t utilize KPIs to the fullest. But they should! The article says “to have meaningful KPIs, you should start with the overall goal of the company, which is ‘why does the company exist?’ and then ask ‘what is the function of each department?'”.

Business goals and metrics need to be aligned. Only by identifying end goals can companies find out what KPIs they need to focus on. By homing in on the right metrics, companies can improve their efficiency, deliver excellent products, and meet their goals.

Although metrics drive success and improve processes, the wrong metrics lead nowhere. They also remove focus from where it should be, and can disrupt processes and irritate customers.

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So here are seven ways DevOps teams can measure their success:

1. Deployment frequency

Delivering value to customers, quickly, is one of the key metrics that drive DevOps teams. How often teams can deploy software is an important question to be asked. Teams need to focus on getting technology out but should not forget that speed is also important. Generally, once a week is a good time between deployment, although organizational goals and deployment goals may vary.

2. Change failure rate

Automation is the name of the DevOps game. Having said that, sometimes service degradation such as service impairment or outages do occur. The change failure rate measures how quickly the DevOps teams fix these issues. By automating this process, teams can focus on more pressing issues and leave the drudgery to automated services.

3. Restoration of services

Technology is not infallible: it is subject to downtime, service, and maintenance. How quickly DevOps teams can resolve issues and restore services is what the restoration of services metrics is about.

4. Lead time

This metric focuses on analyzing the duration between chalking up code to deploying it in production. Again, like the other metrics, this may vary from company to company. The lead time depends on the expertise and skills the DevOps teams have, which results in faster outputs.

5. Customer service

When it comes to finding bugs, anyone but customers should bring it to the DevOps teams’ notice. Tickets that customers raise regarding problems with the application need to be addressed, ASAP! This is not only a testament to great customer service, but shows how efficient DevOps teams are at resolving tickets. Also, this metric helps improve quality measures.

6. Automation testing

While automation may be key, it also needs to be monitored constantly. From code changes, to security and processes testing, all automation has to be continuously tested. By testing the automation and automated services, organizations can track how well automation is serving the DevOps teams.

7. Deployment with defect rate

It happens. Software is deployed, with defects, and they’re only noticed after they’ve been dispatched. In order to avoid scenarios like these, the defect escape rate holds DevOps teams accountable. As the name suggests, it’s a metric where defects escape the production line and make their way to deployment.

Just metrics are not important; the right ones are. Creating intelligent KPI strategies not only improve processes and efficiency, but they’re also the driving force behind successful business goals. With Aspire Systems, organizations can find out how to measure their DevOps teams’ success and delivery value.


DevOps teams bring communication and collaboration to the table. But how do organizations measure their DevOps team’s successes and delivery values? While the benchmarks and metrics are as varied as the number of companies that utilize them, we’ve rounded up seven of the best KPIs.

With these KPIs on hand, DevOps teams enhance their efficiency and improve processes. That’s not all! Business goals are the reason that metrics are even measured. By identifying their goals, companies can establish which metrics they need to focus on.


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