Big Data with NoSQL

Most of the traditional databases are RDBMS solutions.They have a rigid schema design and data is entered into tables based on that schema. Typically, a SQL-based query is used to read/write data to such databases.…

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Tips for Desktop Application Testing

As technological advancements take place in the modern world, most of the applications are becoming portable, 24 * 7 accessible, by web and mobile enablement. Despite that, the desktop application has a commanding presence in…

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How to Integrate ServiceNow and Solarwinds NPM?

What is it? Well, intros don’t have to be long, nor do they have to be hard. But they do have to exist. Let’s take a look on how to integrate ServiceNow with Solarwinds NPM.…

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How to gain higher ROI from expensive middleware products?

This is one of the common questions that circling around in every enterprise IT sponsors. Somehow they would have been convinced to invest in leading middleware products (like IBM, Oracle, Software AG, TIBCO and IBI)…

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Producteering – For Better Product Development Solutions & Operational Efficiencies.

What does a product sponsor expect from a software product development team? He/She expects the team to deliver the following throughout the development lifecycle: Working software Technical excellence Frequent releases to customer Adaptability to change…

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DevOps – a practice for Innovation and agility

The software industry has gone through a process of improving the efficiency by moving to new processes like Agile, better operations due to cloud, new service delivery model through SaaS but the competition in the…

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Benchmarking SaaS Maturity (Part 3) – Security Assessment

This is the 3rd part of the blog series discussing on benchmarking the maturity of a SaaS solution. Click the following links to see the earlier parts – part 1 and part 2. In this blog let’s look at…

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Common Sense Approach to Building SaaS Application

If you have decided to develop a SaaS application, the main focus is to build your domain functionalities and take your MVP(minimal viable product) to market. It is not easy though to build a SaaS…

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When IT support becomes Services, Why not Enterprise SOA?

Every top level business leaders agrees that the cost of doing business operations includes IT operations and supports. Although the enterprise business cannot run without IT functions, IT operations has always been looked at as…

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Test Automation in the World of DevOps

The World of DevOps In an increasingly complex world of software development, things are changing at a very fast pace. The continuous fast-paced changes has made the task of maintaining the consistently high quality of…

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Let your SaaS Application “REST” in peace

While building a SaaS application, it’s extremely important to support other gateways to access the application features. In today’s world the number of devices that can access your SaaS application is only growing by the…

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Business Intelligence in Mobile Devices – An on road solution to gain insights into your Business

A few decades back Mobile Phones were widely used for Voice Calls and Texting. As the technology advanced one can see the other person interacting through Video calling. Sales / Marketing / Executives / Delegates…

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