Application development

Best Practices to Navigate the Challenges of Enterprise Application Transformation with GenAI

Enterprise Application Transformation Enterprise application transformation is pivotal for organizations aiming to stay relevant and competitive in a rapidly evolving digital landscape. However, the journey involves complex challenges, from integrating legacy systems to ensuring data…

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The Role of Generative AI in Shaping the Future of Application Development

An increasing reliance on sophisticated software tools, agile methodologies, and a focus on user-centric designs marks the current state of application development. As these trends converge, a new player has emerged on the horizon: Generative…

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Top 10 NFR in Software Architecture – Part 1

Non-Functional Requirements (NFR) are those requirements that cut across the software functionality, spanning across all the modules and features. These requirements go deep in to the architecture of a software, which is where they get…

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Top 10 Critical NFR for SaaS Applications – Part 2

In the last blog, Top 10 Critical NFRs for SaaS application-Part1, we discussed about what are NFRs (Non-functional requirements) and how it is important to know these requirements before the architecture phase. We listed 5…

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