With software applications powering everything from how an enterprise runs to the products and services it brings to the market, developing robust applications is important. The investments made into software development must lead to meaningful performance improvements. This goal, in turn, comes down to achieving best-in-class performance testing.

When done right, performance testing can identify processing bottlenecks and help in eliminating performance issues before deployment. Performance testing teams play a vital role, from planning to testing and finally to defect solving and reporting. But all these advantages will be of no real value without an optimized system to track the testing metrics. The clear visibility into performance testing is a practical way to consistently and continuously improve the testing and keep applications aligned with business objectives.

So Why Metrics-Driven Performance Testing?

Performance testing is really a complex process. The objective of performance testing is to ensure that the functionality performs to overall specification. An ultimate software performance testing package generates repeatable load tests and isolates bottlenecks.

With processes of this magnitude, an effective measurement framework is essential. Creating a streamlined reporting system is the first step in creating harmonious, successful application performance testing.

Gain A Comprehensive View Of Application Performance Testing

The increasing size of performance testing requires a faster, intuitive, and interactive tool. An efficient metrics monitoring tool will be prebuilt with rich features to translate a wealth of information into visual representations accurately and meaningfully. The tool serves as a single console for graphic data visualization and enables testing teams to monitor enterprise applications end-to-end and in real-time.

Uncover Performance Metrics In Real-Time

In a technological world of breakneck speed, real-time has become the core requirement for any process. This is particularly true for application performance testing. Whereas the traditional Jmeter tool has no solution for real-time monitoring of data flow, whereas LoadRunner is limited in its capability to keeping everyone informed of the application’s performance information, testing teams need a solution that meticulously tracks and reports performance metrics in real-time—seamlessly.

Discover new insights

Data visualization helps to create a shared understanding. An ideal data visualization tool is a central platform for performance monitoring as it provides visibility into critical performance parameters with highly customized visual representations such as pie charts, histograms, etc. It is hard-wired to deliver insights every day, everywhere for consistent decision-making.

Align Your Application Performance Goals

During the performance testing phase of the SDLC, the burden of internal reporting grows as the metrics are measured against the SLA. It is of utmost importance to alert the stakeholders if any discrepancy is found. Metrics-driven performance testing would meticulously track the builds and report these metrics round the clock to troubleshoot operational issues collaboratively.

APTf 2.0: Bringing Dashboards To Life

The tedious process of collecting application performance metrics and constructing reports culminates in the broad adoption of new ways of working with APTf 2.0. With a real-time, holistic view across the performance testing, testing teams can have consolidated full lifecycle reports for performance monitoring.

Aspire Systems’ Performance Testing framework (APTf 2.0) provides a clear and succinct representation of performance testing metrics and thus helps businesses to take the most optimal actions and meet strategic business goals. By leveraging Grafana, APTf 2.0 efficiently customizes dashboards to analyze how Jmeter, for that matter any test automation tool, works. This is a major move toward proactive problem diagnosis and resolution.

Click below to check out the detailed comparison on how APTf 2.0 better than JMeter and LoadRunner.

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