All posts by Sriram Sundaresan

How to redefine Monoliths to Microservices in Two Easy Steps

An IDC survey suggests that by 2021 80% of all application would be developed on cloud platforms using Microservices. It has advised organizations to adopt modern app architectures with horizontal scaling to optimize infrastructure and support…

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Acceptance of AI in regular workplaces – a study by Oracle and Future Workplace (2019)

A study conducted by PricewaterhouseCoopers predicts that by 2030, Artificial Intelligence (AI) will contribute $15.7 trillion to the global economy. Technologies like conversational user interfaces, blockchain have found their way into mainstream business operations and…

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Practical measures for startups to thrive during an economic crisis

Since the outbreak of the pandemic, countries around the world have been on a war footing to contain the spread as quickly as possible. We are witnessing history and it is important to take a…

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Is Design Thinking New wine in an Old Bottle?

In a quest to navigate turbulent markets and deliver good services, organizations have adopted various approaches to optimize workflows, achieve adaptability, and foster innovation.  Design thinking has helped them innovate and stay ahead of the…

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Software Engineering Trends in 2020

The decade is already over and the organizations across the world are searching for a way to remain relevant in the market. While the industries that undergo changes slowly are witnessing a paradigm shift in…

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