Today’s On-Premise software applications face many challenges like security, application modernization and resistance to upgrades. Cloud migration doesn’t completely solve this either, with fears of intra-cloud Data Security and its underlying costs looming large. Budget constraints on many metrics like bookkeeping and laborious expense claims also obstruct the growth trajectory.
Oracle Fusion Gen 2 solves all these problems, and has 600 other features to offer, with an improvised and complete version of Oracle Fusion Applications.
Yesterday, generation X hackers were stout, spectacled nerds sitting in their mother’s garages, munching on chips while hacking into Pentagon like organizations, just for the fun of it. Generation Z is very, very different.
Today’s hackers are organized teams – well-funded, state-sponsored criminal organizations whose motivations can be financial, political, physical or just purely evil. They intend to harm Governments or large companies that are important to the nation. For example, US intelligence networks warn of a Cyber 9/11 attack.
Need for transition from On-Premise to Cloud
Did you know? Pentagon was hacked sometime back
When such Government organizations themselves are hacked, it’s easy to see that On-Premise systems of businesses are more vulnerable than ever before. A report suggests that Cloud users are 200% more secure than On-Premise Users. In fact, 58% of IT leaders recognize cloud services as the most secure system for their business challenges. Hence, there is a clear need for organizations to move from On-Premise to Cloud.
Hackers to Hackerbots
From nerdy, stout chips addicts to frail drug addicts, from hackers to hackerbots, as threats have evolved, it had to be dealt in ways that weren’t manual and with self-learning capabilities with smarter and shorter think times.
Will your software become the next Lotus 123?
A study says that, by 2025, 50% of all the world’s software will become obsolete. With technology disruption and organizational needs, yesterday’s most sought after software has instantly become legacy and extinct. For instance, software like WordStar and Lotus 123 have been leaders in Spreadsheet and Word, but today are legacy applications.
Challenges of Cloud Migration
- Data Security Challenge
Many enterprises do not want to move to the public cloud because of the fear that their valuable data can become available to other cloud users or to the company who is offering the cloud services.
- Cost Challenge
It also becomes a costly affair when they pay for the whole data space of which they only use a little. The other cost challenge is when they invest heavily in inefficient bookkeeping which is business critical in many ways like costing, calculating profit numbers, etc.
Time for the ‘Oracle Generation 2’ Supersuit
Oracle Fusion Generation 2 solves these problems by building a highly secure and fully vigilant intelligent system that protects and repairs itself. The Oracle Fusion Applications don’t have to be upgraded but just have to be occasionally updated, thus ensuring that they never become legacy software. It has built into itself, automated and advanced machine learning capabilities as well.
Oracle is the largest provider of Cloud ERP Solutions and Fusion Cloud Applications in the world, with a customer base of 6000+ organizations. The data theft protection system is built into the infrastructure which underlies the applications.
Imagine a virtual SWAT team built using synthetic technology. Highly trained with AI capabilities, it instantly destroys and repairs the database at the sight of a cyber-attack as and when it happens, without any system downtime. Oracle Fusion Applications also has a superior automated system which resonates with every other technology used by it.
Oracle ensures that nobody can view the valuable data including others on the cloud and Oracle themselves. Oracle Fusion Applications is ideal for customers who choose not to move to a public cloud because of regulatory requirements but want the benefits of Oracle Autonomous Database in their own data center. Besides, they pay for only what they use. Its automated bookkeeping simplifies complicated accounting processes. Both the above features make Oracle Fusion Applications a cost-effective proposition.
Oracle Cloud Generation 2 brings to the table many other features like a collaborative Voice Assistant, Chatbots and Analytics. And wait, the best part is yet to come.
The Oracle Fusion Applications has been built on top of a powerful infrastructure platform such that all its features can be extensible to the Application layer. It makes the Oracle Cloud Application versatile.
Keep watching this space for my next blog on Oracle Fusion Applications security…