
Increasing Adoption of SaaS Model

Let me begin with a small introduction to SaaS. Software-as-a-service (SaaS) is a form of software consumption, where the application is offered as a service to customers across the internet. You can consider the SaaS…

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Multi-Tenancy Architecture Models

In my previous blog I have discussed about the single tenant vs. multi-tenant , and how one can objectively decide which one to go with. In this blog let us see what are the various architecture models/patterns…

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Going to Cloud – How much do you want to own?

Cloud adoption has been one of the most trending topic for everyone – right from Enterprises to ISV to Individual. The rate of changes/innovation happening on cloud has left many wondering with multiple options but…

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Driving Innovation & ROI on Azure Cloud Platform

We are happy to announce that Aspire has recently signed an all India Azure Circle Partnership with Microsoft and has jointly hosted an event with MS on “Driving Innovation & ROI on Azure Cloud Platform“.…

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Panel Discussion – SaaS: Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow

“Gartner: SaaS Revenue Growth to Top 17 Percent in 2012” “IDC Asia-Pacific: Companies should take the hype over SaaS “with a pinch of salt.” Which one should you believe? SaaS has been considered a “great…

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Six Considerations in moving your application to Cloud

Moving an application to cloud can be as simple as a click of a button but at times can also go to the extent of re-developing your application. There are several factors that could influence…

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Architecting a Multi Tenant SaaS solution – why is it different?

Software as a Service is a software delivery model in which software and its associated data are hosted centrally (typically in the (Internet) cloud) and are typically accessed by users using a thin client, normally…

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Big Data in Cloud – Problem and Solution

Big Data is a term used to refer huge volumes of data that belong to one logical entity. The volumes we are talking here is something that commonly used softwares/systems are generally not capable of…

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Platform Approach for BPOs

“As per PwC-CII survey, about 34% of IT users are planning to avail platform BPO services for benefits like operational efficiency and process standardization ensuring better quality”  BPO industry has gone through multiple phases from…

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PaaS – Points to Ponder

Cloud is a magic wand that everybody wants to consider to cut down their cost. Cloud itself is a bigger umbrella and there are many many options available inside it. One popular choices available within…

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Cloud Computing Models

Cloud Computing is defined as a style of computing where scalable and elastic IT-enabled capabilities are delivered  as a service to customers (internal or external) using internet technologies. There are 4 major variants of cloud computing,…

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Single Tenant Vs. Multi Tenant – From a Business Perspective

You must have come across umpteen articles that talks about the technical aspects between a single tenant model and multi tenant model. But the fact is that the decision between single tenant and multi tenant…

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