Insurance application testing has undergone significant changes in recent years, with the rise of digitization leading to an increased reliance on technology. This has led to a growing need for insurance companies and key stakeholders to ensure the reliability and functionality of their software. One of the most effective ways of achieving this is through the automation of insurance application testing.

Automated testing offers several advantages over manual testing, making it the preferred method for insurance companies looking to improve the quality of their software.

Key business benefits of automated insurance application testing

1) Facilitates faster time-to-market

Insurance domain testing powered by automation is faster and more efficient than manual testing. You can reduce software testing efforts by 50% using AI and Automation

It allows insurance companies to release their software to market faster, which is especially important in the post-pandemic insurance industry. This means that automated testing can help insurance companies to respond quickly to the ever-changing market conditions, and to keep up with the competition.

Way to make your business scalable – Building an insurance digital ecosystem with Aspire

2) Improved accuracy and consistency

Manual testing is prone to human error, which can lead to inconsistencies in the results and a less efficient end-user product. Automated testing, on the other hand, is free from human error, ensuring that the same tests are run each time and that the results are consistent. This improves the reliability of the software and reduces the risk of errors or bugs in the final product

You can practically reduce defect leakage to less than 3% This is particularly important for insurance companies, as even a small error in the software can lead to a significant financial loss.

3) Comprehensive test coverage

Automated testing allows for better test coverage. With manual testing, it is difficult to ensure that all components and features of the software have been thoroughly tested. Automated insurance domain testing, on the other hand, can be configured to extensively test all components and features, providing comprehensive test coverage and identifying any areas that require further testing for 20% less scripting time

4) Easy and efficient regression testing

Automated testing allows for easy and efficient regression testing. Regression testing is the process of testing changes to the software to ensure that they do not introduce new bugs or issues. With automated testing, regression testing can be easily configured and run, ensuring that changes to the software do not negatively impact its functionality. This is especially important for insurance companies to seamlessly keep rolling out version updates of their portals or apps.

5) Cost-Effectiveness

Automated insurance application testing can get you 35% cost savings. Automated testing is more cost-effective than manual testing since it requires less time and effort, which leads to cost savings for insurance companies. Additionally, automated testing tools are often available as open-source software, which can further reduce costs.

To give you an overview, the advantages of test automation in insurance include:

  • Facilitates faster time-to-market for apps and websites that empower customers to easily access and manage their policies
  • Checks for compatibility with the newer versions when the software is updated – without leaving it in the hands of users to find out
  • Intelligently manages the policy lifecycle and provides convenience to the customer during every step of the journey
  • Avoid faulty test cases that may affect insurance experiences when exposed to new scenarios
  • Safeguards the customer’s personal data from malware or ransomware attacks
  • Increases workforce efficiency so that employees can focus on adding more strategic value for the customer
  • Creates value for multiple stakeholders – strengthens brand reputation and improves customer retention

In conclusion, automated insurance application testing is the future of insurance software quality assurance. It offers increased speed and efficiency, improved accuracy and consistency, comprehensive test coverage, easy and efficient regression testing, and cost-effectiveness. As the insurance industry becomes increasingly digitized, insurance companies and key stakeholders are turning to automated testing to ensure the reliability and functionality of their software.

Check out what’s new in test automation for insurance here