Insurance application development

Automation in insurance application testing: Reasons why you should prefer it to manual testing

Insurance application testing has undergone significant changes in recent years, with the rise of digitization leading to an increased reliance on technology. This has led to a growing need for insurance companies and key stakeholders…

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4 ways to improve insurance customer journeys for the ‘now’ generation

This blog gives tips to insurers on improving insurance customer journeys and insurance customer experiences for the new-age audience It is widely agreed that the pandemic was a shot in the arm for the rapid…

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Insurance digital transformation: How to make claims journeys bring money, not bleed

This blog’s focus is going to be on how insurance digital transformation can help you optimize and improve your claims process and sales. The role of in-personal interactions and the impact of personal touch has…

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Insurance software development & how it is helping you bring the A game

This blog will convince you about the ways insurance software development is bringing out the best in insurance industry. In an earlier blog, we gave you reasons as to why your insurance digital transformation and…

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Four reasons to focus on CX-friendly insurance software development

This blog will present you with the main pillars that the CX-insurance software development bridge is built on It’s no news that stepping up your digital game is key to survival, let alone thriving in…

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Unlock the secrets to smooth insurance digital transformations

The insurance scape has been seeing digital transformations for several years now and there’s always new technology on the horizon. While these new avenues are usually explored years later and only with a goal to…

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