Business Driven Architecture for SaaS

Do you know that a very small percentage of SaaS businesses are profitable, including those that have been in the market since the SaaS model began? Let’s pick the giant in SaaS business –…

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Webcast: Continuous Digital Excellence – Are you doing it right?

“Digital Transformation” has been the buzz word for quite some time now and organizations have either started planning or implementing this make over in their service lines or products and within their enterprise. But due…

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Enterprise Service Bus for effortless integration

ESB Evolution The concept of ESB was born out of the need to move away from point-to-point integration, which becomes brittle and hard to manage over the period. Point-to-point integration also results in custom integration…

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Dalvik to ART, Why a change of runtime in Android Lollipop?

Android has been evolving at a fast pace, but one crucial component of the operating system did not undergo much changes in the last couple of years. The Dalvik run time(Dalvik – named after a…

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Is Profitability a Myth in SaaS Model?

Whether software vendors like it or not, today they don’t have a choice other than providing atleast one version of their software in a subscription based SaaS model. One single major concern from Independent Software…

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Enterprise Data Quality – Best Practices

Enterprise Data quality is the measure of data accuracy, completeness, and integrity across a business. Within enterprise business systems, problems with data quality are notorious for compromising timely and accurate customer communication. While in the…

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Mindmaps – A Collaborative Tool For Testers To Generate Better Ideas

Business world is filled with examples of how ideas originate in informal settings. Rollin W.King and Herb Kelleher started Southwest Airlines after King had visualized on a cocktail napkin in a San Antonio bar, a…

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Whitepaper: SMAC Platform – The Need For ISVs

Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud have been a buzz word in IT industry for past several years. But in the last couple of years, this combination of technologies together is transforming the enterprises business model.…

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Why fast track Big Data Adoption is an intelligent decision?

BIG DATA – WHAT IT IS? Big Data refers to technologies and initiatives that involve data which is great in diverse, fast-changing or massive for conventional technologies, skills and infra- structure to address efficiently. In…

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[WHITEPAPER] Mobile Application Test Strategy

Abstract Mobile applications have grown enormously to serve different sectors of industries such as e-commerce, banking, gaming etc. Gartner predicts that, among in-house development projects, those that target smartphones and tablets, will soon outnumber the native…

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Understanding In-memory Analytics

When we say something is in-memory, it means residing in the RAM (Random Access Memory) against the disk. For a CPU to do some data processing, the data needs to be in-memory and if the…

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Whitepaper: Enriching UI with AngularJS

ABSTRACT: A well-defined and highly efficient web strategy is of paramount importance for any software business. But what is equally important is how it is implemented with Interactive Web Applications so that they are user-friendly and immensely…

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