Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud have been a buzz word in IT industry for past several years. But in the last couple of years, this combination of technologies together is transforming the enterprises business model. Also,

Gartner predicts that by 2017, SMAC stack will drive more than 26% of the total enterprise software market revenue, an increase from 12% in 2012 – representing over $104 billion new revenue from this stack.

Hence, ISVs of all sizes are beginning to see the need of transformation in today’s SMAC environment. And they are in many ways motivated to begin their transformation journey now. However, if ISVs are too fast to begin transformation process without properly assessing all business and technical challenges and establishing a plan, they could find themselves in a counterproductive situation.

This paper discusses the following which helps ISV’s to successfully enable SMAC components in their product offerings:

  •  Synergies that make SMAC
  • Ideal SMAC solution for ISVs
  • SMAC plug and play model options

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