Tenant Hierarchy

“Multitenancy” refers to a principle in software architecture where a single instance of the software runs on a server, serving multiple client organizations (tenants)” – This is the definition of multitenancy from Wikipedia. Here the term tenant refers to “client …

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How to Define Your Cloud Strategy?

Cloud has redefined the way solutions are built across all facets of IT. Other than improving the business process efficiency and flexibility, Cloud also brings in a huge benefit to the environment. In one of…

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Transitioning from Waterfall to Agile Testing – ‘Challenges & Approach’

More and more software projects in the mainstream are embracing Agile, these days.  It’s important to understand how this paradigm shift impacts testing teams.  And, what are the challenges testing teams encounter and how do…

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Increasing Adoption of SaaS Model

Let me begin with a small introduction to SaaS. Software-as-a-service (SaaS) is a form of software consumption, where the application is offered as a service to customers across the internet. You can consider the SaaS…

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Why Do Products Fail?

First of all, how do you assess whether a software project (or product) is fundamentally a success or failure? I would say by answering the following questions, one can agree on the product’s end result.…

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Patient Portal – A tool for better relationship and cure

According to Dr.Josh Umbehr, “A good scalpel makes a better surgeon. Good communication makes a better doctor.” We are seeing the emergence of the greatest customer movement in history. The need for better customer communication…

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Indian Wedding conducted in a Project Management Perspective –‘A different approach’

We are happy to inform that an article by our Project Manager, Mr. Prashant Malhotra, has been published by PMI North India Chapter on the Jan-Mar 2012 Newsletter.  The featured article titled ‘Marriage Ceremony managed…

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Avoid Final Minute Performance Screwups

  In how many projects have we noticed development getting completed on time, testing completed on time and finally live production usage failing because of unexpected behavior of the software  due to high Volume and…

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Architecture Considerations for Mobile App

If you are planning to enable any of your existing application on mobile  (be it for your consumer or employees), make sure that you have the needed web services is place before you start, in…

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Mobile Testing

Today’s Mobile Applications deliver complex functionality on platforms having limited resources for computing. The Mobile environment comprises of plethora of devices with diverse hardware & software configurations. This diversity in Mobile computing environment presents unique…

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Bridging the Doctor – Patient Gap through Social Media

The whole world is at buzz with being connected and the world becoming small enough where a shout from one end of the earth can be heard on the other side. It’s a world where…

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Enhancing control and visibility of Mobile Devices through MDM

Companies today are implementing enterprise mobility in some form or the other, few are providing Mobile/Tablets to their salesmen so they can access CRM anytime anywhere, others are creating Tablet based BI application for their…

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