Enterprise Unified Application Platform (EUAP) – Series 4: Why to Consider Aspire’s EUAP

I believe you are much impressed (hopefully) with the model of EUAP and the systematic approach that Aspire follows in adopting the framework. Now it’s time to think why you should consider Aspire Systems and…

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Enterprise Unified Application Platform (EUAP) – Series 3: Adopting EUAP

Following the preceding series of this blog, now it’s time to know how to adopt EUAP. Legacy Application Migration is clearly one of the most complex IT challenges facing the IT industry today. But when…

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Enterprise Unified Application Platform (EUAP) – Series 2: All about EUAP

Following the previous series about pain points in maintaining a legacy application, now I am introducing you Enterprise Unified Application Platform (EUAP) – a framework-based approach that minimizes the complexity and make the IT as…

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100 days of Gingerbread

Its amazing to see what happens when the biggies get together, mean business and really get their act together – Google, HTC, Sony, Dell, Intel, Motorola, Qualcomm, Texas Instruments, Samsung Electronics, LG Electronics, T-Mobile, Sprint…

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Why should CIO/CTOs assess IT architecture?

Assessment is the important process that we follow from our school days. In personal life, when we meet certain expectations through assessment, we move into next stage either it is in educational assessment or family…

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IT that won’t work in Hospitals

Some time back I was working in one of the biggest Healthcare product development company which then owned close to 70 products catering to various disciplines within the hospital operations both Clinical and administrative. I…

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Enterprise Unified Application Platform (EUAP) – Series 1: Maintaining Legacy Applications

In this series of blogs, I would like to share about all the aspects of a framework platform called Enterprise Unified Application Platform (EUAP) – right from pain points from legacy applications to introduction to…

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Ingredients of a Successful Product

What makes a successful product (okay to be specific – a software product)? In other words, what causes so many software projects to fail? – These are reasonable questions to ask and to be answered.…

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Multi-Tenancy Architecture Models

In my previous blog I have discussed about the single tenant vs. multi-tenant , and how one can objectively decide which one to go with. In this blog let us see what are the various architecture models/patterns…

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Going to Cloud – How much do you want to own?

Cloud adoption has been one of the most trending topic for everyone – right from Enterprises to ISV to Individual. The rate of changes/innovation happening on cloud has left many wondering with multiple options but…

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User Experience (UX) – Why is it important?

As the topic mentioned, let’s see the importance of user experience (UX) in this blog. The following figure shows the various components of UX. Focusing on each of these attributes, helps to achieve effective UX…

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Consumerization of IT

Have always wondered if the likes of Microsoft will ever prioritize user experience (user delight) on par with technical excellence & enterprise IT security.. I have always held the opinion that if the end users…

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