Importance of Usability Prototype

User interface prototyping is a crucial step in the process of usability re-engineering that provides a basis for continuous evaluation and improvement of a to-be-designed user interface. In usability engineering, the focus of using prototypes…

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Importance of Mobile Prototyping

Mobile applications are perceptive and a small mistake in the development planning or execution can really spoil even an app with a great prospective. This is one of the main reasons why authentication of the…

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Automation Software Test Metrics

Automation Software Test Metrics (ATM) Automation software test metrics can help implement and improve the Organizational test processes and consequently help track its status. The projects complexity is directly affected due to increased lines of…

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Gartner: 25% of Enterprises will have their own app store by 2017

Enterprise-sanctioned app stores, for computer and mobile device applications, are expected to become more widespread. A recent report from Gartner predicts that 25% of enterprises will have their own app stores by 2017. The report…

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Designing Automation Framework

A Framework can be defined as a set of guidelines which when followed produce beneficial results. A set of guidelines like coding standards, test-data handling, object repository treatment, etc. Which when followed during automation scripting…

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Test Automation in Agile

The Agile methodology or model develops clear visibility of accomplishing working features way ahead in the project’s life cycle, hence allows: -Measurement of progress and quality -Track the feedback and adaption during agile development The…

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Behaviour Driven Testing using Cucumber

Introduction – Behaviour Driven Testing Behaviour Driven Development is a well-accepted and current methodology in Agile projects.  Behavior Driven Testing (BDT) is a lesser-known companion of Behaviour Driven Development (BDD). BDT can be used without BDD.…

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What to be automated and what to be not

Automation of whole application, product, or process is not possible or one can say it is near to impossible to achieve 100% automation. So it is important to decide which test cases should be automated…

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Future of Test Automation and infrastructure

Where were we and where are we today in automation? The software provides the core functionality of most electronics products. These “software-intensive systems” have a large penetration into daily life and this penetration is expected…

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Mobile Testing

Exponential growth of Smartphones has opened newer avenues for enterprises to integrate them into mainstream computing. Enterprises across all industry verticals are embracing mobility at a rapid pace. According to Gartner’s report on Market Insight…

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Agile Automation

According to the World Quality Report, 2010/2011 by Capgemini and HP over 60% of companies have either already adopted agile methods or are planning to do so in the near future.  Agile Testing has been…

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Usability increases your Return on Investment (ROI)

 Early involvement of usability engineering plays a vital role in increasing the product ROI right from development to support. In most of the product development initial stages, usability engineering is considered as an additional expense…

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