Cloud Computing Models

Cloud Computing is defined as a style of computing where scalable and elastic IT-enabled capabilities are delivered  as a service to customers (internal or external) using internet technologies. There are 4 major variants of cloud computing,…

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Rewrite vs. Refactor – Which way to go?

Rewrite vs Refactor has always been a question every software faces at some point in time which could be because of many reasons. This question usually arises after few years from the first version of…

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Single Tenant Vs. Multi Tenant – From a Business Perspective

You must have come across umpteen articles that talks about the technical aspects between a single tenant model and multi tenant model. But the fact is that the decision between single tenant and multi tenant…

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7 Must have Mhealth Apps

The beginning of a new year always inevitably leads to a lot of predictions, Predictions like the world is coming to an end this year to predictions in form of resolution, Few believable, few outrageously…

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Benefits of Platform BPO – ADP – Part 4

In my last blog I discussed about what a Platform BPO is about and the various requirements it brings up. In this blog I will discuss about the key benefits of having a Platform BPO.…

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ADP – Part 3 – Platform Based BPO Services

Platform BPO refers to a suite of technology that can help BPOs in designing, developing and deploying their applications, which in turn can be used to service their customers. In the absence of a platform,…

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Database Scalability – Horizontal vs. Vertical Scaling

Scalability at the database layer has always been a challenging task for architects. Sadly, this also happens to be one of the areas that is typically underestimated and later leading to major issues. My experience…

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ADP – Part 2 – Why do Software Projects Fail?

The estimated cost of software failures is estimated to be around 50 to 80 billion dollars per year. Reports also say that 3 out of 5 IT projects do not do what they were supposed…

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Mobile Healthcare (m-Health) – If your end customers are doctors?

Mobile adoption is changing the way medicine is practiced today and there is a tremendous opportunity for healthcare ISVs to offer their applications in mobiles/tablets.  There are certain trends in Mobile Healthcare 1) 72 percent…

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Application Development Platform (ADP) – Part 1

Application Development Platform refers to a suite of technology that can help enterprises in designing, developing and deploying their applications. In the absence of ADP, enterprises end up using multiple technologies, architectures and engineering structures…

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Test Driven Development Some practical tips

In an earlier post, I had touched upon TDD very briefly and promised some practical tips on implementing TDD in a future post. Here they are… Having managed teams implementing TDD, I have learned the…

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Amazon EC2 Cloud Instance Types

Many would know that Amazon is one of the leading IaaS providers and they offer different configurations of server Instances such as Linux, Windows – Small, Medium, Large and so on. This is most common…

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