In today’s rapidly upgrading world of IT, organizations are looking to invest in innovative testing methodologies to propel their deliveries and stay ahead of the curve. It has now become vital for enterprises to modernize and update their core applications to provide a smooth-user experience. ServiceNow Automation Testing Framework must be an essential part of any digital solution, as having a glitch-free platform is no more an option, but a mandatory requirement.

ATF enables enterprises to upgrade faster by automating complex, slow-paced manual testing. With faster upgrades, the value-added features and enhancements can reach the end-user much faster. It also reduces the element of risk, which is omnipresent with manual testing. With swift and accurate testing, enterprises can identify and fix bugs quickly to deliver high-quality product.

Automation testing strategy:

Whether you are looking to test deployment or upgrades, it is essential to identify testing scope and approach to create a testing strategy. ServiceNow testing experts can help enterprises construct and execute robust automation testing for an error-free application. Replace repetitive and time-consuming manual testing with ATF, which can be deployed to test browser compatibility, functionality, regression and server-side testing. To ensure your ServiceNow instance runs like a well-oiled machine, your strategy must include:

  • Identifying critical functionality in the application or process
  • Defining test case scenarios
  • Building tests to validate the critical functionalities
  • Packaging tests by creating a suite
  • Executing the scheduled tests
  • Monitoring and fixing any issues
  • Analyzing and updating necessary tests

Benefits of ATF in ServiceNow instance:

The first and foremost reason to use ATF is it guarantees a stable and high-grade product. It reduces risk of business impact and enhances development efficiency. It ensures that tests are performed in the same manner every time. By replacing manual testing with ATF, companies can bring down manual testing costs by 90% and manpower reduction rate to 50%. Enterprises can create custom test steps and test suites to their specific needs and expand test coverage. Scheduled testing allows for cross-border and operating system testing. ATF can reduce upgrade bottlenecks and can speed up development time. It is independent of UI changes, meaning organizations can reuse the tests for future upgrades and other releases. Low-code / no-code users too can create test scenarios easily. It is a time and cost saving solution for product owners in regard to upgrades. Moreover, the ATF functionality comes with the out-of-the-box feature of ServiceNow and hence, there is no add-on cost.

ATF & Quebec upgrades:

Ever since ServiceNow introduced Automation Testing Framework in its Istanbul release in 2017, it has gained widespread acceptance among product owners and industry veterans alike. The need for regression testing arises within ServiceNow as the company releases upgrades every six months and it becomes challenging to test all modules and integrations after an upgrade. In such a scenario, ATF provides time-saving solutions to ServiceNow customers. This way, product owners enjoy the full benefit of the new upgrades that will help them do more with the latest tools. To this regard, ServiceNow has enhanced and upgraded its ATF in the recent Quebec release. Some of the key upgrade highlights are:

  • Reduced test design time by copying quick start tests and test suites.
  • Copy test and copy test suites action will be accepted only if the present scope matches the scope of the record being copied
  • ATF respects read-only roles in the record insert, record update, and record delete test steps
  • Modal form can now be submitted in the form category test steps
  • Keep test instances clean by rolling back test data and changes made after each test run
  • Create and schedule test suites to organize and run tests in batches

Enterprises rely heavily on ServiceNow to manage their business-critical processes. The probability of error can result in devastating consequences like day-to-day activities coming to a standstill. To ensure this does not happen, extensive testing is needed. Many enterprises may not have the capacity to do this and postpone upgrades & deployments. Here’s when ServiceNow ATF acts as a savior. It ensures that enterprises are able to release stable products as well as scale their operations in a quick and hassle-free manner.


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