IT Infrastructure Management

A Guideline to Transforming IT Infrastructure Management

Information Technology (IT) infrastructure management involves overseeing and controlling the hardware, software, and network systems necessary for operating and managing enterprise IT environments. Updating and enhancing IT infrastructure has become crucial to ensuring operational performance.…

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Benefits of owning a single platform for automating digital workflows and enterprise operations

Efficiency and fluidity in business processes are paramount. Digital workflow automation refers to the design, execution, and automation of business processes based on the flow of documents and information across various platforms and departments, using…

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Top internal factors that hinder IT operations and ways to overcome them

Efficient IT operations are not just a component of business success—they are often the backbone. With the right IT infrastructure, businesses can streamline operations, innovate faster, and stay ahead of the competition. Conversely, inadequate IT…

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Automating your Cloud Infra is a Necessity in the New Normal

It is common for someone who browses the Internet or watches a video on YouTube or scrolls through the feeds on any social media platform to come across terms such as AI, Automation, Cloud, SaaS, PaaS, IaaS and more. These terms are more than…

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Making Infrastructure as Code a Better framework with Containers

With the evolution of IT industry, we witness trade-off between the two desirable models- monolithic and microservices. On the contrary, we also see that there is an evident transition taking place from monolithic model to…

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IT Service Desk Consolidation – Not an option anymore

“Yankee Group has found that majority of IT problems are caused by human error. As a consequence, Gartner estimates that most IT departments spend upwards of 80% of their time trying to resolve problems rather…

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