Enterprise Portals – What SharePoint can do for you?

Every enterprise today is looking for means to enhance the productivity of their employees and at the same time responding rapidly to business needs with a reduced cost of IT Infrastructure. SharePoint 2010 is bundled…

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Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) – The Basics

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is a business management software that uses a system of integrated applications to run & manage the various businesses of an organization effectively & efficiently. Its a suite of integrated modules…

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ETL Testing – Basics

ETL basically stands for Extract Transform Load – which simply implies the process where you extract data from Source Tables, transform them into the desired format based on certain rules, and finally load them onto…

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How Usability increases your ROI?

Considering usability engineering in the initial stages of a product development plays a vital role in increasing the product’s ROI.Most of the companies predict it as an additional expense and skips it in the early…

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SaaS Model – Advantages for ISV’s

Today Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) is considered by many IT buyers as a feasible choice to attain cost efficiency and better service. Customers are looking for customized solutions – in terms of pricing, functionality, simple on-boarding and…

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Tenant Hierarchy

“Multitenancy” refers to a principle in software architecture where a single instance of the software runs on a server, serving multiple client organizations (tenants)” – This is the definition of multitenancy from Wikipedia. Here the term tenant refers to “client …

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How to Define Your Cloud Strategy?

Cloud has redefined the way solutions are built across all facets of IT. Other than improving the business process efficiency and flexibility, Cloud also brings in a huge benefit to the environment. In one of…

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Transitioning from Waterfall to Agile Testing – ‘Challenges & Approach’

More and more software projects in the mainstream are embracing Agile, these days.  It’s important to understand how this paradigm shift impacts testing teams.  And, what are the challenges testing teams encounter and how do…

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Increasing Adoption of SaaS Model

Let me begin with a small introduction to SaaS. Software-as-a-service (SaaS) is a form of software consumption, where the application is offered as a service to customers across the internet. You can consider the SaaS…

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Why Do Products Fail?

First of all, how do you assess whether a software project (or product) is fundamentally a success or failure? I would say by answering the following questions, one can agree on the product’s end result.…

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Patient Portal – A tool for better relationship and cure

According to Dr.Josh Umbehr, “A good scalpel makes a better surgeon. Good communication makes a better doctor.” We are seeing the emergence of the greatest customer movement in history. The need for better customer communication…

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Indian Wedding conducted in a Project Management Perspective –‘A different approach’

We are happy to inform that an article by our Project Manager, Mr. Prashant Malhotra, has been published by PMI North India Chapter on the Jan-Mar 2012 Newsletter.  The featured article titled ‘Marriage Ceremony managed…

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