Money20/20, the renowned fintech event, is gearing up to make a splash once again in 2023. From October 22 to 25, Las Vegas will host this high-profile gathering, where industry visionaries, innovators, and financial experts…
While Fintech or financial technology has been a major disruptive business model of recent times, its full potential is still being realized. Fintech essentially means automation and delivery of financial services with the help of…
Fintech! It’s got a good ring to it, right? We have been hearing this term quite a lot for the past couple of years. But what does it mean? Fintech or Financial technology is the…
According to the latest “State of Fintech” report from CB Insights, the third quarter of 2021 was the second highest on record for Fintech funding, with a 147 % year-over-year rise. Alternative Commercial Lenders or…
Back in the day, applications related to the financial domain were handled by Expert Systems, a domain of AI. An expert system is developed by capturing the Human Expert’s knowledge into a set of programming…
The last 2 decades has seen a number of sweeping changes in the way the Banking and Finance sector has evolved. There have been disruptions in the form of digitization of services. Many small Financial…
In a recent survey conducted by Deloitte on the Banking industry, 93% of the respondents indicated that fraud has grown in the last 2 years. Apart from the financial losses, these incidents leave a dent…