When global enterprises align AI strategy with their business strategy and develop enterprise-wide AI capability, the global economic growth that AI will provide by 2030 will be $15.7 trillion, according to professional services firm PwC.…
Enterprises are increasingly focusing not just on rolling out their software on time but delivering an exceptional quality application on time. Software failures, glitches, lagging performance, and clunky interfaces are no more acceptable by customers…
While there is increased adoption of automation, functional testing remains important. It is clear that software testing is all about discovering information related to quality so that the stakeholders can make strategic information-driven decisions. Be…
The transition from traditional ways of testing to contemporary methods makes it highly challenging for organizations in many ways. Even with the best practices in place, there may be demerits that may lead to loss…
A sturdy test automation framework is the most important integrant that helps testers with guidelines or protocols to leverage reusable automated tests rapidly and reliably to achieve the desired testing goals. So what happens when…
Why test automation is a moment of truth for small and medium-sized banks Small and medium-sized banks feel the pressure of digital banking when they miscalculate where to begin their transformation journeys and where to…
World’s largest learning company with 40K employees in more than 70+ countries used cloud-based automation testing for an online assessment solution. The need for cloud services continues to grow at a rapid pace this year…
In the past, we were testing our application manually but as the customer saw more value in test automation it was decided to go ahead and explore the possibilities of it. As a service provider, we…