All posts by Kripaa Krishnamurthi

Design Patterns In Test Automation World

Introduction Software development has a lot of methodologies and standardized approaches to make the development process efficient such as object-oriented programming, domain-driven design, test-driven design, and behavior-driven design, etc. Automation testing, since the very beginning,…

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What are the Best Practices for DevOps Testing Strategy?

A successful DevOps testing strategy begins with an agile best practice of Continuous Integration (CI), where developers check their code in a shared repository throughout the day. Each check-in is verified by an automated build,…

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6 Ways Continuous Testing in DevOps Can Prevent Disasters on Your Software Journey  

Continuous testing is an effective way to support, enhance, and hasten DevOps pipelines. It relies heavily on automation to execute part of the software delivery pipeline. However, many industry experts agree that the two terms…

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Can continuous testing accelerate your Agile and DevOps journey?

The implementation and success of digital solutions have become critical to enterprises’ business growth. On the journey towards Agile and DevOps success, enterprises must ensure that their IT processes adapt quickly and effectively, including future-proofing…

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Top 4 Software Testing Trends that Will Continue to Evolve in 2022

Since 2020, many software testers have gone from struggling to keep pace with remote work conditions to adopting an agile approach – fueled by AI, ML, and data analytics. In 2021, digital transformation initiatives have…

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Understanding how Testing Works in DevOps and its Challenges

In a DevOps model, the operations and development teams are not siloed. They work as a single team collaborating throughout the entire application lifecycle, from development and test to deployment to operations. Each team member…

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Testing Aptos Point of Sale (POS) Software for Smart Retailers

Aptos is a Point Of Sale (POS) software solution that is widely accepted by retailers and growing multifold year on year. These Aptos POS transaction workflows are customizable, flexible, and dynamic, adapting to one’s existing…

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Overcoming the Challenges of End-to-End Managed Testing in the Software & hi-tech Segment

In the software and hi-tech segments, technology is constantly evolving, and in recent times, the increase in application usage has put its foot on the accelerator. It has caused many small-sized, medium, and large enterprises…

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Why Performance Testing is a Must-have for e-commerce and Retail Applications

Pandemic-influenced market dynamics have represented a mixed bag for the e-commerce and retail industry. On the one hand, modern retailers continue to grapple with supply chain restrictions and production issues due to mandatory remote work…

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Reasons Why Retail Test Automation Framework is Key to Enhance Salesforce Reference Architecture (SFRA) Implementation

Why Retailers choose Salesforce Reference Architecture (SFRA)?  Salesforce Reference Architecture gives a blueprint of best practices on how a retail or eCommerce website must be designed and built with an avenue for customizations. It is…

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How Test Automation can bridge the gaps in Cost of Quality (COQ)?

Understanding COQ from the POV of test automation  According to a recent report, about 44% of IT organizations worldwide have automated 50% of their testing between 2019-2020. Also, the global automation testing market size is…

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Reduce the Overall Cost of Quality with Incremental Test Automation

How incremental test automation helps to reduce the overall CoQ (Cost of Quality)   AI-powered test automation has become a catalyst for transformation in software testing since it allows enterprises to be agile and scalable. This is why many of them have already eagerly started the…

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