Personalization is no longer a “nice-to-have” but a “must-have” for retailers to win and retain customer loyalty.

What exactly is personalization? Contextual customer experiences are no longer a “nice to have” in today’s highly competitive marketplace; they are a “must-have”.  While nearly every retailer today promises to “personalize” their shopper’s experience, just…

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Factors to consider for BI Reporting Tool Selection

BI market is growing day by day. There are several BI Reporting tools available in the market and choosing that “One” tool for your business becomes very critical. Choosing a tool in haste often results…

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BI Reporting : Perfecting production ready reports

People expect intelligence out of BI reports right off the bat.  While it is a justified expectation, in reality, it requires a lot of effort, thoughts before getting actionable intelligence from BI reports.  For e.g.,…

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