ServiceNow subscriptions

How can you optimize ServiceNow license utilization?

Software licenses add value to your business only through their effective utilization. In the initial days of ServiceNow implementation, there might be different products and applications modules that were subscribed which would later go void due to minimal or no utilization. Similarly, there may be several roles that…

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Are you getting the most out of your ServiceNow license?

As all-round digital transformation gains ground, companies are investing big bucks in software licenses. But, only optimal use of licenses add value to the business. Software license management is no child’s play. Aside from flagging…

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Save License cost using ServiceNow Performance analytics in Subscription management

One of the common pressing issues ServiceNow owners face is managing licenses effectively. ServiceNow offers applications that can be used to address the challenges surrounding software inventory and license management. Using analytics to manage licenses,…

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