Omnichannel your Business to Success

The concept of “electronic commerce” is not a 21st century buzzword as many might assume. Online shopping, in its most primitive form, traces its root back to 1979 when Michael Aldrich invented Videotex. But the…

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What are Insurance customers looking for?

2015 brought alarming news for the insurance industry with record-breaking drops in customer experience satisfaction. In an increasingly commoditized market, insurance companies need to fast realize that customer experience is one of the most important…

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How good is ‘GOOD’ to Secure Mobile Apps?

This is in continuation to the previous blog on ‘Mobile Application Management in the BYOD age’ which explained enough the importance of considering the MAM (Mobile Application Management) for enterprise mobile applications, here is something about the MAM technique provided by…

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Digitization State Matrix- Are you the next Digital Alchemist?

Jack Welch once remarked, ‘If the rate of change on the Outside exceeds the rate of change on the Inside, the end is near’! We have often heard information to be the new currency in…

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Mobile Application Management in the BYOD age

As advancements in technology happen, the chances for apps becoming more vulnerable to security threats are on the rise. In this age of BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) where people need access corporate data, it…

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Finny’s Second Appearance on Radio Talk Show

In Stu’s second interview on “Stu Taylor on Business”, Aspire’s Digital Business Expert, Finny Chellakumar discussed his views on digital customer experiences and how Aspire’s Digital Solutions can help organizations to provide superior customer experience. Here is…

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Boost your sales by cross-selling and up-selling using Predictive Analytics

Cross-selling and Up-selling techniques have been in practice from generations. Cross-selling is a technique that allows one in educating of products that would be essential with the product purchased. Up-selling, on the other hand, is…

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Aspire’s Digital Business Head Went Live on Stu Taylor on Business

In the age of digital disruption, the future obviously looks better for those who are viewing digital as an opportunity to outperform leaders in their industries. However, the wrong digital strategy can spell disaster for…

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87% Consumers don’t understand what IoT is. Do Retailers understand IoT?

IoT is no doubt inducing retail investments but at the same time making in-roads for the retailer to connect with the customer at every possible opportunity and accentuate their shopping experience. This clearly indicates that…

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At your digital best? Take the test

So your organization has a global presence. Traditional organizational operations and structures have worked well for you. But global presence also brings global competition along with the challenges of global business phenomena like digitization.  Your…

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Has your Retail store set the stage for a seamless shopping future?

When the going gets tough, the tough go shopping. Sounds anonymous and it is! So, where are the retailers heading when the going gets tough? Are they heading for ecommerce, omnichannel or sticking to their…

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Digital Transformation: Only Fools Rush In?

Ask any executive who has led an organization through a large, transformative change, and he or she will tell you that a company’s vision is only as good as the people behind it. This article…

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