Staying relevant is the key to surviving the fiercely competitive market. The reason is only when you have extensive knowledge, you can implement the right strategy.

In this blog, I will take you through the release features of the Salesforce Commerce Cloud (SFCC) that occurred from April 7, 2022, through May 17, 2022.

  1. Added Klarna as a Payment Option
    Commerce Payments now support Klarna as a multi-step payment option. You can offer shoppers the option to buy now and pay later. The Klarna payment option makes it feasible for shoppers to buy a wide range of items of varying price ranges.

    How does it work?
    Klarna is a feature of Stripe and uses your Stripe merchant account for payment processing. You can add Klarna as a payment option in Business Manager.

    The Path
    Select Merchant Tools | Ordering | Commerce Payments

    You can edit an existing Payment Zone assignment or create a Payment Zone assignment and select the Klarna Payment option.

    Quick Tip: Commerce Payment is built with Storefront Reference Architecture (SFRA) back-end and front-end components. To use Commerce Payments, your Salesforce Support team must enable the Salesforce Payments feature switch in Business Manager.

  2. Set Commerce Payment Credential Storage
    After the new release, Commerce Payments supports payment card credential storage. There are two settings for it:

    Save for future off-session use: When active, during checkout, the shopper’s credit card credentials are saved and can be reauthorized for off-session use. For example, use the off-session setting and the script API to authorize recurring subscription payments or reauthorize payment when the order fulfillment is delayed.

    Save for on-session use: When active, the shopper’s credit card is saved and used only for the current checkout session.

    How does it happen?
    You set Payment Credential Storage in Business Manager. The path is Select Merchant Tools | Ordering | Commerce Payments.

  3. Manage On-Demand Sandboxes with the Operations Scheduler

    You can use the Control Center Operations Scheduler to start and stop the on-demand sandbox (ODS) instances within a realm. By scheduling the ODS, you can control the usage of ODS credits. The Operations Scheduler is a convenient UI-based tool. Developers can still use the swagger UI or the Sandbox API to schedule operations.

  4. Use Primitive Data Types Only with Job Context
    Jobs that store non-primitive data types of values, for example, arrays and objects, in dw.job.JobExecution.getContext()now fails. Previously, the job logged a warning, ignored the invalid value, and continued.

    B2C Commerce Release Notes

    Once SFCC does a release, there are certain release notes you need to go through so that you can leverage the platform maximum.

    a) Get Holiday Ready with B2C Technical Solutions
    With the new release, it’s now possible to efficiently build scalable solutions that perform through any sales season. You can get all the details in the latest guide of SFCC.

    b) Use the Einstein B2C Experiences Learning Map
    If you are keen to know about ways to create compelling customer experiences, you can chart a course for success using the Einstein B2C Experiences learning map.

    c) Inclusive Terms Are Replacing Legacy Language
    To refine language in products for more accuracy and inclusivity, Salesforce is replacing terms deemed non-inclusive. APIs and older API documentation aren’t included because changing terms in the code can break current implementations.

    d) Change of Identity Management for Commerce Cloud GitHub Repositories
    SFCC is simplifying the way users access the Commerce Cloud GitHub repository. Access is now direct via Commerce Cloud Account Manager. Previously, access required users to register a GitHub account. This change only affects resources that require Commerce Cloud accounts. Any resources that are publicly available can still be accessed using any GitHub account.

    e) Get Ready for Multi-Factor Authentication Enforcement in May
    The requirement to use multi-factor authentication (MFA) when accessing Salesforce products went into effect on February 1, 2022. To help customers satisfy this requirement, MFA will soon be a permanent part of the B2C Commerce login experience. Starting May 1, 2022, and continuing on a rolling basis through the end of May, Salesforce is enabling and enforcing MFA for all users who log in directly to B2C Commerce applications.

    f) Protect Against Bots and Malicious Attacks
    To help you protect your B2C Commerce environments from bots and malicious attacks, Commerce Cloud is restricting external sources from directly accessing the hostname.

Closing Thoughts

Major enhancements take place with each release phase of the SFCC. You need to remain on top of those updates if you want to make the best use of the platform. So, stay tuned to know some of the prominent features that Commerce Cloud shall launch into the market in the coming months and move a step closer to delivering your customers an innovative shopping experience.