Big Data and Analytics

Gear Up for 2019 with Intelligent Automation Financial Services

With the sudden wave of transformation across the financial landscape, there is extreme pressure on companies to remove repetitive and monotonous tasks with robotic process automation (RPA). According to Data Hadoop, 10% to 20% of…

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Why and how for Robotic Process Automation (RPA) in Banks!

The Banking industry has always been marked by rapid, often disruptive changes. Issues such as globalization, regulations, and new competitive entries exist. This has forced them to look for new ways to increase revenue, cut…

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Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning based Customer Intelligence should be at the core of Retail Technology strategy!

Modern technology advances have given Retailers access to exponentially more data about what customers do and want. It is an amazing opportunity for them to use analytics to unlock the goldmine of information to cater…

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3 Success Areas for Robotic Process Automation in Retail

Retail is one of the fastest growing industries. According to a report by eMarketer, the retail industry is expected to reach a mark of $27.7 trillion in global sales by 2020 and along with the…

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5 Ways Robotic Process Automation Sets the Financial Process Drivers in Motion

According to the Q1 2017 Forrester Wave report on robotic process automation (RPA), enterprises are under immense pressure to digitize operations, and most see RPA as a part of their automation strategy. Robotics Process Automation is a…

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How Robotic Process Automation Renounces Swivel Chair Automation with a Digital Workforce

If you are someone who’s been following digitech trends for the past few years, Robotics Process Automation (RPA) wouldn’t be an unfamiliar term. RPA is an emerging technology that can swiftly perform human intense, laborious…

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Enhancing Customer Loyalty using Market Basket Analysis

Three centuries ago, in the early 1700s, American retailers would offer their customers copper tokens with purchases that could be later redeemed on future purchases. Fast forward to 2018, and in spite of the myriad…

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The Curious Case of the Dynamic Customer Sentiment

This case could even beat the curious case of Benjamin Button because understanding customer behavior is by far the most difficult task for retailers. Have you ever wondered how challenging it is for the retailers…

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Product Affinity and Brand Loyalty- 4 ways to get it right!

If we have to name one company that has captured the hearts and markets by addressing the sensibilities of data-savvy millennials, Netflix would be the winner by a mile.  This streaming-services giant has steadily progressed…

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How Retailers Can Use Customer Sentiment Analytics to Build Customer Loyalty

“Opposite of love is not hate, it’s indifference.” –Elie Wiesel, Nobel laureate. Many a time while planning strategies for customer loyalty programs or customer retention, business owners forget that loyalty is a sentiment. Your strategies…

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What does Big Data and Sherlock Holmes have in common?

What’s common between a Great Detective’s work and Big Data Analytics? They both find insights from enormous amounts of accumulated data and use it to solve problems and find answers. Whether it’s the mysterious disappearance…

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Data-Driven Cognitive Selling

Cognition, as the definition states, is “the mental action or process of acquiring knowledge and understanding through thought, experience, and the senses. Expanding the above definition, cognitive selling can be described as the act of selling,…

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